Mile Markers

Caltrans Strategic Plan Performance Objectives
With the launch of the new Caltrans 2020-24 Strategic Plan, development of performance objectives is well underway. Performance objectives are intended to gauge success at affecting the intended outcomes for each of the six Goals. This dashboard represents those performance objectives in which we have begun to track and report. Additional performance objectives will be shared in coming Mile Marker issues, once data tracking and targets have been fully developed for them.

Goal: Safety First
Maintain the number of on-the-job serious injuries for the fiscal year at zero, through June 30, 2021.

In fiscal year 2020-21, 13 on-the-job serious injuries occurred. An on-the-job serious injury is any work-related injury or illness resulting in a fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye. Work-related COVID-19 cases not counted in this performance objective.

Goal: Cultivate Excellence
Increase the percentage of employees who take strategic training for the fiscal year to 90% or higher, by June 30, 2021.

This performance objectives shows the number of employees who have receieved the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan training from their supervisor, and recorded it in the LMS.

Goal: Enhance and Connect the Multimodal Transportation Network
Demonstrate the California Integrated Travel Program (Cal-ITP) in three regions, by 12/31/2021.
To increase the quality and quantity of transit data published by California’s transit providers, Cal-ITP and state and regional partners explored passenger-counting technologies in July 2020. Passenger occupancy data is crucial for transportation planning purposes, and physical distancing due to COVID-19 has highlighted the benefit for riders to know real-time passenger crowding in trip planning. As of July 26, 2021 Caltrans has met the target as stated, demonstrating the Cal-ITP in Santa Barbara, Sacramento, and Monterey-Salinas.

Goal: Strengthen Stewardship and Drive Efficiency
Meet the goals of the State Highway System Management Plan for asset condition by 2027.

Caltrans is on track to meet or exceed targets by 2027 for pavement and culverts. While the proportion of bridges rated in good condition is projected to rise, corrective actions need to be initiated to assure that the fair and poor targets are achieved. Caltrans will continue to monitor progress toward achieving TMS targets. Data from the 2020/21 Performance Benchmark Report.
Increase the percentage of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) contracting that achieves parity with presumptive groups, by 20% by June 30, 2021.

Caltrans Office of Civil Rights is focusing efforts to bring all presumptive groups up to parity. The target for each presumptive group is based on the 2016 disparity study weighted average index, which is established every 3 years. Given the office’s virtual outreach, increase in certification, and other tools used in its Outreach Plan, we are committed to meeting the targets. The FY 2021/22 target could change based on the 2021 Disparity Study. *Targets are not mandates, they are goals of the Department.

Goal: Lead Climate Action
Increase the percentage of Caltrans fleet that are zero-emission vehilcles (ZEVs) to 5%, by June 30, 2022.

Zero-emission vehicles include pure zero emission vehicles such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEV). Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are considered transitional ZEVs and are included in the Department’s count of ZEVs. The percentage of ZEV vehicles in the fleet is calculated using the total number of ZEV fleet in-service count divided by the total self-propelled mobile fleet in-service count. The Department faces a few challenges to meet the goal of 20% ZEVs by 2025. These challenges include vehicle technology and availability, fueling and charging infrastructure, and funding. In the near term, the fleet ZEVs are not anticipated to increase as fast as in future years when the industry and the Department start to overcome these challenges.

Goal: Advance Equity and Livability in all Communities
Create an Accessibility Score by March 2022.
The Accessibility Score will rate the accessibility to public and active transportation travel options, proximity of affordable housing to employment and civic centers, and a high-quality public realm. Accessibility evaluation tool(s) will be identified to determine a project or plan’s accessibility score. A scope of work is being finalized for State Planning and Research funding through the Division of Transportation Planning.
Accessibility evaluation tool(s) will be identified which determine a project or plan’s accessibility score. A scope of work is being finalized for SP&R funding through DOTP. This work carries over from the 2015-2020 Strategic Management Plan.
- Director's Message
- Mile Markers
- Heading in a New Direction
- Driving Down Greenhouse Gas Levels
- Strategic Plan Broadens Caltrans Mission
- Making Strides Toward Saving Lives
- Wildlife Passages
- Project Spotlight: Schuyler F. Heim Bridge
- Project Spotlight: Echo Summit Bridge
- Paving the Way for a More Efficient Travel System
- Project Database Goes Virtual
- Collaboration Dials Down Conflict
- New Laws Address Climate Change Impacts, Worker Safety
- With Shredded Tires, Pavement Is on a Roll