California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Addendum for FAST Act Compliance June 2018 [Image of a cargo ship carrying cargo containers in the water off San Francisco] [This page intentionally left blank] California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 California Freight Mobility Plan Addendum (2018) Contents Introduction Federal Requirements California State Requirements FAST Act Compliance Requirements Element 1: Freight System Trends, Needs, and Issues Element 2: Freight Policies, Strategies, and Performance Measures Element 3a: Multimodal Critical Rural Freight Facilities and Corridors Element 3b: Critical Rural and Urban Freight Corridors Element 4: National Multimodal Freight Policy Goals and National Highway Freight Program Goals Element 5: Innovative Technologies and Operational Strategies Element 6: Improvements to Reduce Deterioration of Roadways Element 7: Freight Facilities with Mobility Issues and Strategies to Address Them Element 8: Congestion or Delay Caused by Freight Movements and Mitigation Strategies Element 9: Freight Investment Plan Element 10: State Freight Advisory Committee California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 [This page intentionally left blank] California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Introduction This Addendum to the 2014 California Freight Mobility Plan (CFMP 2014) has been developed to address the new requirements under The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act so as to receive National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) funding. Specifically, this Addendum recaps all of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) elements addressed in the CFMP 2014 and addresses in detail the three new FAST Act elements. It also addresses some initiatives that California is undertaking beyond the federal requirements. The full update of the CFMP is scheduled to be completed by December 2019. It will incorporate all regionally led and State led freight planning and research efforts, many of which have been completed since the completion of CFMP 2014 while others are currently underway. Federal Requirements The CFMP was published in December 2014 to fulfill the MAP-21 recommendations and the associated California State requirements. A year later, the FAST Act established the NHFP to provide long term freight funding to states and required that each state develop a Freight Plan that provides a comprehensive plan for immediate and long-range freight planning activities and investments. In October 2016, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provided guidance for states to develop FAST Act compliant Freight Plans. Since December 2017, to be eligible to obligate NHFP funds, the Freight Plans are required to address the following ten elements:1 Element 1. An identification of significant freight system trends, needs, and issues with respect to the State; Element 2. A description of the freight policies, strategies, and performance measures that will guide the freight-related transportation investment decisions of the State; Element 3. When applicable, a listing of— a. multimodal critical rural freight facilities and corridors designated within the State under National Multimodal Freight Network (NMFN);2 b. critical rural and urban freight corridors designated within the State under National Highway Freight Program (NHFP);3 1 2 3 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Element 4. A description of how the plan will improve the ability of the State to meet the national multimodal freight policy goals4 and the national highway freight program goals;5 Element 5. A description of how innovative technologies and operational strategies, including freight intelligent transportation systems, that improve the safety and efficiency of the freight movement, were considered; Element 6. In the case of roadways on which travel by heavy vehicles (including mining, agricultural, energy cargo or equipment, and timber vehicles) is projected to substantially deteriorate the condition of the roadways, a description of improvements that may be required to reduce or impede the deterioration; Element 7. An inventory of facilities with freight mobility issues, such as bottlenecks, within the State, and for those facilities that are State owned or operated, a description of the strategies the State is employing to address those freight mobility issues; Element 8. Consideration of any significant congestion or delay caused by freight movements and any strategies to mitigate that congestion or delay; Element 9. A freight investment plan (FIP)6 that includes a list of priority projects and describes how funds made available to carry out the NHFP would be invested and matched; and Element 10. Consultation with the State Freight Advisory Committee, if applicable. California State Requirements The CFMP is required by California law to be updated every five years. This CFMP Addendum addresses the State requirements and takes into consideration Governor Brown’s Executive Order B-32-15, which resulted in the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan (CSFAP). The CSFAP was developed jointly by multiple State departments and completed in July 2016. It “establishes clear targets to improve freight efficiency, transition to zero-emission technologies, and increase competitiveness of California’s freight system.” The California Transportation Commission (CTC) is the agency responsible for programming projects in California. In response to the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 1), the CTC adopted the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) Guidelines in October 2017 4 5 6 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 combining federal and State freight funds, and solicited project nominations from local and regional agencies and the State in January 2018. The TCEP Guidelines describe the policy, standards, criteria, and procedures for the development and management of the TCEP funds. The CFMP is referenced as an essential document in the Guidelines.7 The FIP section of this Addendum includes the priority list of financially constrained freight projects for both federal and State freight funds. FAST Act Compliance Requirements In July 2015, the FHWA determined the CFMP to be consistent with MAP-21 guidance. FAST Act requires the CFMP to address three additional requirements (Elements 3, 8 and 9). These are addressed in this Addendum. The Table 1 provides the location (chapter and page number) of the FAST Act requirements that have been included in the CFMP 2014, available on Caltrans website. Table 1 – CFMP and the FAST Act Requirements Required FAST Act Element,Element #1, Recommended per MAP-21, Yes, CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed, Ch. 1.2 Pg. 27-36; Ch. 2.3 Pg. 139-159 Required FAST Act Element,Element #2, Recommended per MAP-21, Yes, CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Ch. 1.1 Pg. 3-25; Ch. 2.2 Pg. 113-138 Required FAST Act Element,Element #3, Recommended per MAP-21,No, CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Addendum Required FAST Act Element,Element #4, Recommended per MAP-21,Yes , CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Ch. 3.4 Pg. 199-213; Ch. 3.5 Pg. 215-234 Required FAST Act Element,Element #5, Recommended per MAP-21,Yes , CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Ch. 3.6 Pg. 235-246 Required FAST Act Element,Element #6, Recommended per MAP-21, Yes, CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Ch. 3.5 Pg. 215-234 Required FAST Act Element,Element #7, Recommended per MAP-21,Yes , CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Ch. 2.1 Pg. 73-112 Required FAST Act Element,Element #8, Recommended per MAP-21,No, CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Addendum Required FAST Act Element,Element #9, Recommended per MAP-21,No , CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Addendum Required FAST Act Element,Element #10, Recommended per MAP-21,Yes , CFMP 2014 Chapter and Page where this element is addressed,Ch. 1.4 Pg. 55-72 NOTE: There are several references to MAP-21 and the Primary Freight (PFN) in the CFMP 2014 which are no longer valid since FAST Act rescinded that network and replaced it with the National 7 8 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Highway Freight Network (NHFN)9 and its subsystem called the Primary Highway Freight System (PHFS). California’s network (maps and table) is available on the federal website.10 The remainder of this Addendum describes how Caltrans has addressed these elements and continues to do so as an ongoing planning process. Element 1: Freight System Trends, Needs, and Issues This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21. The CFMP 2014 addressed Element 1 requirements in the Chapter 1.2 and 2.3. With continued collaboration with the regional agencies, Caltrans has provided leadership and statewide consistency in identification of significant trends, needs, and other issues of interest to California. With the passage of Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), California will have additional funding and Caltrans will continue to assess significant freight system trends, needs and issues, in coordination with local and regional agencies and the neighboring states. Element 2: Freight Policies, Strategies, and Performance Measures This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21. The CFMP 2014 addressed Element 2 requirements in the Chapters 1.1 and 2.2. California’s vision, policies, strategies, and performance measures are consistent with the National Highway Freight Program.11 The vision for the CFMP, developed in consultation with various stakeholders, is as follows: California Freight Mobility Plan 2014 -Vision “As the national gateway for international trade and domestic commerce, California enhances economic competitiveness by collaboratively developing and operating an integrated, multimodal freight transportation system that provides safe, sustainable freight mobility. This system facilitates the reliable and efficient movement of freight and people while ensuring a prosperous economy, social equity, and human and environmental health.” In addition, the CSFAP establishes targets to improve freight efficiency, transition to zero emission 9 10 11 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 technologies, and increase the competitiveness of California’s freight transport system.12 The vision for a sustainable freight transport system listed in the CSFAP is as follows: The Table 2 shows the alignment of CFMP goal with the MAP-21 performance measure. Caltrans is coordinating statewide, conducting a baseline performance assessment, and finalizing the performance target for the National Performance Management Measure to assess freight movement on the Interstate System. Table 2 – Alignment of CFMP Goal with the Federal Performance Measures 23 CFR 490 Subpart is Freight Movement (Subpart F).NHFP Goal is to Invest in infrastructure improvements and implement operational improvements on U.S. highways that improve the year-round reliability of freight transportation. CFMP Goal is Congestion Relief - Reduce costs to users by minimizing congestion on the freight transportation system.Performance Measure is Truck Travel Time Reliablity Index (TTTR).Target is Under development. Element 3a: Multimodal Critical Rural Freight Facilities and Corridors Element 3a is a new requirement in the FAST Act. This section addresses Element 3a by listing the multimodal critical rural freight facilities and corridors designated within the State. This listing was prepared in response to the US DOT announcement for the states to comment on the Interim National Multimodal Freight Network (NMFN). Caltrans led a statewide outreach effort (1) to provide comments to US DOT, (2) propose additional designations to the NMFN, and (3) meet the NMFN certification requirement. Attachment A is Caltrans’ letter to US DOT listing the current and proposed changes to the NMFN. 12 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Element 3b: Critical Rural and Urban Freight Corridors Element 3b is a new requirement in the FAST Act. This section addresses Element 3b by listing the Critical Urban Freight Corridor (CUFC) and Critical Rural Freight Corridor (CRFC) within California. These corridors, along with the PHFS form California’s NHFN. California received an allocation of approximately 311 CUFC miles and 623 CRFC miles. Caltrans formed a Technical Working Group with diverse freight stakeholders and developed a process for the ongoing designation and de-designation for these miles. The Technical Working Group will reconvene on an as needed basis to review the status of the freight network and related procedures. Caltrans keeps track of all rolling designations statewide on its website with a tracker scoreboard including GIS mapping.13 Attachment B lists California’s Critical Urban and Rural Freight Corridors as of April 2018. Element 4: National Multimodal Freight Policy Goals and National Highway Freight Program Goals This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21, however the multimodal policy aspect is a new requirement. The CFMP 2014 addressed Element 4 requirements in the Chapter 3.4 and 3.5. The CFMP 2014 goals are Economic Competitiveness; Safety and Security; Freight System Infrastructure Preservation; Environmental Stewardship, Congestion Relief; and Innovative Technology and Practices. A description of the goals, objectives, and implementation strategies, and its alignment with the NHFP goals can be found on pages 5 through 18 of the CFMP 2014. The FAST Act expanded this requirement in relation to the National Multimodal Freight Policy (NMFP) goals. Many of the goals and strategies described in the CFMP 2014 overlap with the NMFP goals. Since the approval of CFMP 2014, California has led the development of the CSFAP, which contains a vision, guiding principles, and freight targets to improve freight efficiency, transition to zero emission technologies, and increase competitiveness of the freight transportation system. The CSFAP has over 70 implementation actions that are actively being addressed by multiple California state agencies, many of which directly address the NMFP goals. Following is a discussion of how the CFMP 2014 addresses the NMFP goals. As listed in Table 3, California supports the NMFP goals of the United States to maintain and improve the condition and performance of the NMFN to ensure that the network provides a foundation for the United States to compete in the global economy. 13 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Table 3 – Alignment of California Actions with the NMFP Goals NMFP Goals (1) to identify infrastructure improvements, policies, and operational innovations that—(A) strengthen the contribution of the NMFN to the economic competitiveness of the United States; (B) reduce congestion and eliminate bottlenecks on the NMFN; and (C) increase productivity, particularly for domestic industries and businesses that create high-value jobs.California Actions; Several of the goals, policies, strategies, actions, and projects listed in CFMP 2014 directly address this goal. As a national gateway California continues to invest to increase the economic competitiveness of the United States. The discussion in Element 7 of this document focuses on several improvements to reduce congestion and eliminate bottlenecks on the NMFN. The Economic Competitiveness Goal and Strategies specifically mention increasing productivity that benefits California and national industries. NMFP Goals (2) to improve the safety, security, efficiency, and resiliency of multimodal freight transportation.California Actions;The Safety and Security Goal and Strategies in CFMP 2014 relate to this goal. NMFP Goals (3) to achieve and maintain a state of good repair on the NMFN.California Actions;The Freight System Infrastructure Preservation Goal and Strategies in CFMP 2014 relate to this goal. NMFP Goals (4) to use innovation and advanced technology to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the NMFN.California Actions: The Innovative Technology and Practices Goal and Strategies in CFMP 2014 relate to this goal. NMFP Goals (5) to improve the economic efficiency and productivity of the NMFN.California Actions;The Economic Competitiveness Goal of CFMP 2014 and strategies relate to this goa NMFP Goals (6) to improve the reliability of freight transportation.California Actions;The Economic Competitiveness Goal of CFMP 2014 and strategies relate to this goal. NMFP Goals (7) to improve the short- and long-distance movement of goods that—(A) travel across rural areas between population centers; (B) travel between rural areas and population centers; and (C) travel from the Nation’s ports, airports, and gateways to the NMFN.California Actions;The diverse nature of California’s multimodal freight network requires a robust analysis and tailoring freight improvements to the appropriate context. A detailed discussion of this included in Chapter 1.1 of CFMP 2014. NMFP Goals (8) to improve the flexibility of States to support multi-State corridor planning and the creation of multi-State organizations to increase the ability of States to address multimodal freight connectivity.California Actions;Recent multistate efforts include I-10 and Concept of Operations, the Eastern Sierra Corridor Sustainable Freight Strategies Study, and Truck Parking studies. NMFP Goals (9) to reduce the adverse environmental impacts of freight movement on the NMFN.California Actions;The Environmental Stewardship Goal states to avoid and reduce adverse environmental and community impacts of the freight transportation system. NMFP Goals (10) to pursue the goals described in this subsection in a manner that is not burdensome to State and local governments.California Actions;Caltrans is working with partners to develop a goal on Economic Competiveness. California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Element 5: Innovative Technologies and Operational Strategies This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21. The CFMP 2014 addresses Element 5 requirements in Chapter 3.6. With the passage of SB 1, California has seen an increase of funding and continues to consider innovative technologies and operational improvements during project selection process that improves safety and efficiency of the freight system. Element 6: Improvements to Reduce Deterioration of Roadways This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21. The CFMP 2014 addresses Element 6 requirements in Chapter 3.5. Since CFMP 2014 adoption, several actions and programs have been implemented to help address roadway deterioration. With the passage of SB 1, California has seen an increase of over $3.7 billion annually for maintenance of state and local roads.14 Most of the damage on state highways and major arterial streets are due to heavy duty vehicles, and funds are targeted to repair the roadways most in need of improvement. Caltrans is implementing an accelerated bridge improvement program targeted at heavy volume freight corridors. The program focuses on raising the heights of overpasses and increasing load capacities of bridges for long stretches of corridors to help reduce the length of detours for oversize or overweight vehicles requiring a special permit to transverse the roadways. Several actions from the CSFAP aim to improve maintenance of freight corridors.15 Caltrans is the lead for and has made progress on several implementation actions, including Freight Highway System Preservation through Asset Management, Bridge Performance through Asset Management, and Pavement Technology. California recently adopted the 10-year Transportation Asset Management Plan.16 Element 7: Freight Facilities with Mobility Issues and Strategies to Address Them This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21. 14 15 16 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 The CFMP 2014 addresses Element 7 requirements in Chapter 2.1. The State employs a combination of strategies to address freight mobility issues. Chapter 3.6 also briefly mentions some ideas. This component is actively present in the implementation of various plans, programs, and projects. Coordination with partner agencies, regional planning organizations, and local governments in the State, are a key factor to relieving bottlenecks. Since the completion of the CFMP 2014 multiple actions are continually being taken to address bottlenecks, which include, but are not limited to: Major highway projects to improve travel time reliability, On dock rail support facilities, Port area rail infrastructure improvements, Expansion of near-dock rail to accommodate demand and to reduce truck trips, Rail grade separations projects reducing delay and emissions, improving safety and noise, Positive Train Control to enhance safety, reliability, operating efficiency and capacity, Improvement at international port of entries to reduce border crossing wait times, Truck climbing lanes potentially including I-5, I-10, I-15, I-80, SR-57 and SR-60, ITS, operation technologies including Freight Advanced Traveler Information System, Automated Truck Research, Advanced Transportation Management Information System (ATMIS), and Autonomous Commercial Vehicles Testing. Element 8: Congestion or Delay Caused by Freight Movements and Mitigation Strategies Element 8 is a new requirement in the FAST Act. This section addresses Element 8 by describing the consideration of any significant congestion or delay caused by freight movements and any strategies to mitigate congestion or delay. Freight hubs include international gateways such as ports, airports, border crossings, and major domestic terminals and transfer points. Bottlenecks between freight hubs are caused by converging traffic at highway intersections and railroad junctions, steep grades on highways and rail lines, lane reductions on highways and single-track portions of railroads, and locked and constrained channels on waterways. Additionally, freight congestion is caused by other factors such as traffic backups at toll booths; inefficient operating practices at terminals and border crossings; and equipment shortages, short-term labor disruptions, and long-term shortages in key occupations such as truck drivers. Ongoing program activities will continue to be enhanced and/or cross-referenced to further track and manage potential freight mobility issues and mitigation strategies. Where applicable, continued multi-state/multi-jurisdictional collaboration will also support a more comprehensive assessment of key freight corridors and potential mobility/congestion issues. California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 As noted, congestions and delays are caused by a multitude of factors and can be measured in multiple ways, including congestion, reliability, variability, and safety. Over the last few years Caltrans and other regional agencies have invested in gaining access to a variety of freight data, analytical tools, and methodologies for identifying congestion and delay for the purpose of analyzing corridors and infrastructure and supporting project nominations for available funding. Key analytical tools and studies are described below. Analytical Tools INRIX Tool:17 Every state DOT and MPO has several new responsibilities with the May 2017 federal rule regarding congestion and freight system performance reporting requirements (PM3). The FHWA made the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) travel time dataset available to DOTs and MPOs. The dataset is an output of a system, created and delivered by the consulting firm INRIX in collaboration with University of Maryland Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory team. This system is an on-demand, cloud-based analytics suite that pulls INRIX global traffic data to help monitor, measure, and manage the performance of road networks. Using INRIX data helps agencies have a better understanding of traffic flow and the measures that can be taken to alleviate the impact of congestion. California is committed to using this data, to the extent possible, to analyze the freight transportation system and identify congestion and delay. ITERIS Tool:18 To address the MAP-21 Performance requirements, target setting, tracking and reporting, Caltrans contracted with the consulting firm ITERIS to combine its Performance Measurement System (PeMS) database (which provides truck counts) with the NPMRDS data (which addresses reliability). The tool is being used statewide for information and analysis, as appropriate. California is committed to using this data, to the extent possible, to analyze the freight transportation system and identify congestions and delay against the truck counts to prioritize high volume corridors having low reliability. Caltrans Multi-objective GIS Tool:19 Caltrans contracted with the consulting firm Fehr and Peers to map the information related to Congestion, Reliability and Safety in an online tool to help identify bottlenecks. The methodology applied uses data for the travel time of vehicles from the NPMRDS. For this analysis, data were collected for all of California during 2016. Data for each month was aggregated for the AM, PM and OP (overnight off-peak) weekday periods. The speed statistics calculated include the average, standard deviation, minimum observed, maximum observed, and percentiles for 15th, 50th, and 85th. The data from this process is joined to point 17 18 19 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 locations in ArcMap, allowing metrics to be calculated. Detailed technical documentation and a simplified flow chart of the process of identifying congested locations in corridors and at ramps and intersections is available on request. Caltrans is committed to using this data, to the extent possible, to analyze the freight transportation system to identify high volume corridors with congestion, delay, reliability and safety issues. Attachments C1, C2, and C3 show the static maps for congestion, speed variability and safety for the State of California. This Multi-objective GIS tool provides the option to analyze bottlenecks. Bottlenecks and Mitigation Strategies American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) publishes an annual list of the Top 100 Freight Bottlenecks in the nation. This information helps California better understand the severity of congestion, and provides some criteria for comparison with other analytical methods. California’s highest congested bottlenecks are listed in the Table 4. Table 4 – Bottlenecks in California - National Ranking by Congestion Level Congestion Ranking;5,Location Description;Los Angeles,CA: SR 60 at SR 57,State;CA,Average Speed;41.4 Peak Average Speed;34.2,Non- Peak Average Speed;44.3,Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;.3-3.61% Congestion Ranking;13,Location Description;Los Angeles,CA: I-710 at I-105,State;CA,Average Speed;40.4, Peak Average Speed;30.6, Non- Peak Average Speed;44.8, Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;-4.20% Congestion Ranking;27,Location Description;San Bernardino,CA: I-10 at I-15 ,State;CA,Average Speed;45.7,Peak Average Speed;38.1, Non- Peak Average Speed;48.9, Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;-3.82% Congestion Ranking;38,Location Description;38Oakland,CA: I-880 at I-238CA42.132.446.7,State;CA,Average Speed;42.1, Peak Average Speed;32.4,Non- Peak Average Speed;46.7, Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;-8.04% Congestion Ranking;45,Location Description;Corona,CA:I-15 at SR 91,State;CA,Average Speed;38.8,Peak Average Speed;29.9,Non- Peak Average Speed;42.5,Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;2.44% Congestion Ranking;64,Location Description;Los Angeles,CA:I-110 at I-105,State;CA,Average Speed;40.1,Peak Average Speed;30 Non- Peak Average Speed;44.6,Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;-5.36% Congestion Ranking;65,Location Description;Oakland,CA: I-80 at I-580/I-880,State;CA,Average Speed;31.3, Peak Average Speed;21.9, Non- Peak Average Speed;36.7 Peak Average Speed Percent Change 2017-2018;-2.80% Source: American Transportation Research Institute 20 Seven of California’s locations are within the top 100 most congested areas in the nation. These locations are consistent with observations generated using other tools. Caltrans contracted with METRANS21 to identify congested locations using a different methodology that was developed and applied to the two largest metro areas in California – Los Angeles and San Francisco. The study identified the top 15 freight impact areas, focusing on the most congested period of time during a day. The significance of freight impact areas, which depends on both the severity of congestion and the volume of trucks, is measured by four indices: average peak hour freight congestion value; total peak hour freight congestion delay; average 20 21 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 peak hour all-vehicle congestion value; and total peak hour all-vehicle congestion delay. These indices were used to identify the impact areas and to calculate total delay.22 For the rest of California, the top 15 freight impact areas on the National Highway System were identified using PeMS data, Vehicle Detector Stations (VDSs), Traffic Census Stations, and Weigh-In-Motion Sensors, which provide real-time and historical data and analysis on congestion. Major arterial freight impact areas and impacts of rail crossings were also considered in the analysis. The study identified 15 strategies based on the CFMP 2014 goals and literature review of best practices, as shown in Table 5. These strategies were selected and evaluated based on the following four criteria: cost, effectiveness in reducing truck-related congestion, co-benefits, technical difficulty, and implementation feasibility.23 The findings were shared widely via webinars. Table 5 – Mitigation Strategies Recommendations Infrastructure Improvements;Truck-only lanes, Railroad grade separations,Expand highway capacity, Truck parking facilities Efficiency Improvements;Freight advanced information management systems,Integrated freight load information system,Freight priority traffic management,Cargo matching services,Smart truck parking,Off-hours deliveries,Terminal appointment systems,Auto truck platoon Policy Improvements;Truck and passenger VMT tax,Truck lane tolls,On-site parking and loading Element 9: Freight Investment Plan Element 9 is a new requirement in the FAST Act. The CFMP is required to include a list of priority projects. Element 9 states that the Freight Investment Plan (FIP) component of the CFMP “shall include a project, or an identified phase of a project, only if funding for completion of the project can reasonably be anticipated to be available for the project within the time period identified in the freight investment plan.”24 22 23 24 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 In May 2018, the CTC adopted the multi-year TCEP program requesting a total of $1.39 billion for 28 projects valued at more than $4 billion. The projects were determined to be ones that best address the objectives of the program and the established screening and evaluation criteria. The projects include a variety of improvements to goods movement on corridors with high volumes of freight including, but not limited to, projects that increase the use of on-dock rail; improve safety by eliminating at-grade crossings; reduce impacts to surrounding communities; reduce border wait times; and increase rail capacity with double tracking. This list of projects is called California’s FIP and is included in Attachment D Adoption of the 2018 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program Resolution (CTC Book Item Tab 19, TCEP-P-1718-01).25 The projects that will be requesting allocations from the NHFP in the coming months, marked by an “F” under the “Federal State Funding” column in Attachment D, are as follows: San Bernardino County: Interstate 10 Corridor, Contract 1 (Express Lanes)–Add two express lanes and auxiliary lanes Shasta County: Interstate 5, Redding to Anderson Widening, Phase 2–Widen road and structures from four to six lanes, replace two bridges, and install closed circuit TV and fiber optic cable Kern County: State Route 58 / 99 Bakersfield Freeway Connector–Grade separate exit and entry ramps, construct southbound auxiliary lane, two lane collector-distributor road, retaining walls, and widen bridge Merced County: State Route 99 Livingston Widening, North Bound–Widen 7.65 miles to 3 lanes, northbound direction only Los Angeles County: Southern Terminus Gap Closure–Add 5000 feet of main line track Los Angeles County: Terminal Island Railyard Enhancements–Add 31,000 feet of on-dock staging/storage tracks Los Angeles County: Pier G & J Double Track–Add 9,000 feet of double track Los Angeles County: Interstate 605 / 91 Interchange Improvement: Gateway Cities Freight Crossroads Project–Add new general purpose and/or auxiliary lanes and modify on and off ramps Los Angeles County: Interstate 5 Golden State Chokepoint Relief–Add truck lanes, HOV lanes, auxiliary lanes, sound walls, and an ITS hub station; and widen seven bridges and improve access to weigh station Orange County: State Route 57 / Lambert Road Interchange Improvement–Install auxiliary lanes, modify ramps and widen Lambert Road to accommodate future truck climbing lane San Diego County: National City Marine Terminal Rail Track Extension–Construct connector track and realign Marina Way San Diego County: Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal Beyond Compliance Environmental Enhancements–Expand shore power and purchase "Bonnet" system 25 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 The approval of this CFMP Addendum by the FHWA will make the projects eligible for federal fund allocations. Element 10: State Freight Advisory Committee This FAST Act requirement remains the same as MAP-21. The CFMP 2014 addressed Element 10 requirements in the Chapters 1.4. California has a robust public engagement program with local and regional agencies, and with private sector stakeholders. The California Freight Advisory Committee (CFAC) was established in 2013 in response to federal and State law. The CFAC is a permanent statewide advisory committee for freight and was established by Caltrans under the delegated authority and collaboration with the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA). The CFAC is chaired by Caltrans and currently has 65 official member organizations.26 C onsistent with federal guidance, the CFAC member organizations were selected with the intent of providing a fair balance of representation broadly across all regions of California, freight modes, and perspectives. Members represent a diverse cross-section of public agncies and private sector freight stakeholders, including representatives of ports, shippers, carriers, workforce, trade associations, tribal governments, and environmental, safety, and community organizations. In addition, for the designation of Critical Urban and Rural Freight Corridors, Caltrans formed a Technical Working Group of 25 partners and stakeholders which met several times between October 2016 and April 2017 to develop a transparent and collaborative process for these designation in California. This is covered under Element 3b of this Addendum. 26 California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Attachment A Caltrans Comment Letter to US DOT on National Multimodal Freight Network California Freight Mobility Plan – Addendum for FAST Act Compliance, June 2018 Attachment B California’s Designated Critical Urban and Rural Freight Corridors as of April 2018 CRITICAL RURAL FREIGHT CORRIDORS (CRFC) - 49 USC 70103 (b)(2)(A) State;CA,Facility ID;S11,Start Point;1/4 mi 400 feet E of Sanyo Ave,End Point;Enrico Fermi Dr Length (Miles); 0.51 CRFC ID (A-G);(E);(F);(G), MPO/RTPA;SANDAG State;CA,Facility ID;S44,Start Point;44,End Point;47 Length (Miles);4.07,CRFC ID (A-G);(G), MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S89,Start Point;29,End Point;30,Length (Miles);0.99,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S89,Start Point;42.7,End Point;42.9,Length (Miles);0.2,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S89,Start Point;28.5,End Point;29.5,Length (Miles);1,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S97,Start Point;29.4,End Point;29.9,Length (Miles);0.48,CRFC ID (A-G;(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S299,Start Point;17.2,End Point;18.293,Length (Miles);1.04,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S299,Start Point;66.6,End Point;67.425,Length (Miles);0.95,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;U395,Start Point;14,End Point;R16,Length (Miles);2.03,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;Skyline Ext,Start Point;Skyline Rd to Johnstonville Rd,End Point;S36 R29.931,Length (Miles);0.49,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;SRTA State;CA,Facility ID;S89,Start Point;27.3,End Point;27.4,Length (Miles);0.11,CRFC ID (A-G);(G),MPO/RTPA;(G) State;CA,Facility ID;U395,Start Point;29.94,End Point;42.08,Length (Miles);12.14,CRFC ID (A-G);(B);(D);(G), MPO/RTPA;Inyo LTC CRFC Total 24.01 CRITICAL URBAN FREIGHT CORRIDORS (CUFC) - 49 USC 70103 (b)(2)(A) State;CA,Facility ID;Brittania Blvd,Start Point;I905,End Point;La Media Rd,Length (Miles);2.14 CUFC ID (H-K);(H); (I);(J);(K),MPO;SANDAG State;CA,Facility ID;La Media Rd,Start Point;I905,End Point;International Mexico Border,Length (Miles);2.27,CUFC ID (H-K);(H); (I);(J); (K),MPO;SANDAG State;CA,Facility ID;S11,Start Point;Junction S905/S125,End Point;1/4 mi 400 feet E of Sanyo Ave,Length (Miles);0.64,CUFC ID (H-K);(H); (I);(J); (K),MPO;SANDAG State;CA,Facility ID;S11,Start Point;Enrico Fermi Dr,End Point;Future Otay Mesa East POE,Length (Miles);1.58,CUFC ID (H-K);(H); (I);(J);(K),MPO;SANDAG State;CA,Facility ID;Pier B,Start Point;9th St,End Point;Pier A Way,Length (Miles);1.6,CUFC ID (H-K);(H);(J),MPO;SCAG State;CA,Facility ID;Churn Creek Rd/Rancho Rd,Start Point;0.15 mi E of I5 on Churn Creek Rd,End Point;0.10 mi E of Shasta View Dr on Rancho Rd,Length (Miles);1.8,CUFC ID (H-K);(K),MPO;SRTA CUFC Total 10.03 Map: Attachment C1: Static Map of Congestion in California [Map of Congestion routes within California] Attachment C2: Static Map of Speed Variability in California [Speed variability routes within California] Attachment C3: Static Map of Safety (Injury Cost) in California [Injury cost on specific routes within Califronia] Attachment D Adoption of the 2018 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program Resolution (California’s Freight Investment Plan) California's FAST Act Obligation Authority Estimates by Federal Fiscal Year FFY;2015/16,NHFP OA;$98,645,569,California Freight Mobility Plan;CA did not allocated NHFP funds during these years. Carried over to 2017/18 FFY;2016/17,NHFP OA;$91,532,209,California Freight Mobility Plan;CA did not allocated NHFP funds during these years. Carried over to 2017/18 FFY;2017/18, NHFP OA;$98,803,317,California Freight Mobility Plan;$194,516,000 FFY;2018/19,NHFP OA;$109,484,395,California Freight Mobility Plan;$168,977,000 FFY;2019/20, NHFP OA;$120,432,834,California Freight Mobility Plan;$154,600,000 Total; NHFP OA;$518,898,324/California Freight Mobility Plan;$518,093,000