District 12 Small Business Program

The Small Business (SB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Certification Programs were established to increase business opportunities for the SB and DVBE communities within the State of California; thereby stimulating the state's overall economy. It is the Department’s goal to promote SB and DVBE participation in its procurement and contracting process by meeting or exceeding the 25% SB participation mandate and 5% DVBE goal.

The Department also strives to increase the level of participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) in all Federal contracting activities. The overall statewide annual Department DBE goal is currently 21.35%.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) - Federal Funded Program

Caltrans is committed to an overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 21.35% on its federal-funded projects based upon a race-neutral and race-conscious methodology. 

Small Business (SB) & Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) - State Funded Programs

Caltrans is committed to increasing the economic opportunity and development of Small Business (SB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) within the State of California. Caltrans is committed to an SB participation minimum of 25% and DVBE goal of 5% on State funded contracts and procurement opportunities.



Have questions? Contact the District 12 Small Business Liaison D12SmallBusiness@dot.ca.gov