U.S. Highway 50 Multimodal Corridor Enhancement and Rehabilitation Project
Project Facts
This comprehensive corridor project will construct High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and rehabilitate pavement on US 50 from the US 50/I-5 Interchange (PM L0.6) to the US 50/Watt Avenue Interchange (PM R5.3).
Project Location Map
Project Benefits
The purpose of this project is to replace the existing Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement, reduce maintenance crew’s exposure to live traffic, and reduce maintenance expenditures. The project scope also includes the restoration of other roadway elements such as drainage, lighting, and pedestrian facilities. The existing PCC pavement was built between 1967 and 1971 and has reached the end of its service life. It is deteriorated and has a poor ride quality that requires annual maintenance to repair and maintain. A recent pavement condition survey conveyed that there is severe slab cracking and faulting in the no. 3 and 4 lanes in both directions and minor slab cracking in the no.1 and 2 lanes in both directions. This project will also increase the deficient vertical clearance at seven over crossing structures in the project limits as identified in the District 3 Goods and Movement Study. This increased vertical clearance will reduce the frequency of “high load” hits, reduce maintenance worker exposure to traffic, and improve freight mobility in this corridor.
The project also proposes to:
Allow connectivity and consistency with the planned HOV system in the Sacramento Region.
Enhance mobility and provide incentives for ride sharing during peak period travel
Achieve the goals of the current SACOG MTP by promoting ride sharing.
Improve US 50 to meet the growing travel demand in the Sacramento Region.
Provide an option for reliable peak period travel time. -Use the highway facilities as efficiently as possible. -Improve general traffic operations by reducing congestion and travel time. -Improve bicycle and pedestrian access.
Week of March 10, 2025
Continuing this week, construction is scheduled to continue along US-50 in Sacramento. The following lanes and ramps are scheduled to be Closed: Overnight Work (9 p.m. to 5 a.m.)
Friday, March 14
- Westbound #3 and #4 lanes, (right of split) from Stockton Blvd. to 26th Street.
- Westbound US-50 to northbound Business 80/SR-51.
- Westbound Howe Avenue on-ramp.
- Westbound Hornet Dr. on-ramp.
- Westbound 65th Street off-ramp.
- Eastbound #4 lane from Stockton Boulevard to 39th Street.
- Westbound #3, #4 and auxiliary lanes from Howe Avenue to 65th Street.
Saturday, March 15
- Westbound Howe Avenue on-ramp.
- Westbound Hornet Dr. on-ramp.
- Westbound 65th Street off-ramp.
- Westbound #3, #4 and auxiliary lanes from Howe Avenue to 65th Street.
Sunday, March 16 to Tuesday, March 18
- Westbound 26 Street off-ramp.
- Westbound #3 and #4 lanes, (right of split) from Stockton Blvd. to 26th Street.
- Westbound US-50 to northbound Business 80/SR-51.
- Westbound Howe Avenue on-ramp.
- Westbound Hornet Dr. on-ramp.
- Westbound 65th Street off-ramp.
- Eastbound #4 lane from Stockton Boulevard to 39th Street.
- Westbound #3, #4 and auxiliary lanes from Howe Avenue to 65th Street.
*All work is scheduled to begin as listed but is subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and /or materials, and construction related issues.
- SHOPP Roadway Rehabilitation program. The total project cost for the long life pavement replacement, other highway asset upgrades and improving the vertical clearance at seven overcrossings is estimated at $386.9 million.
- Sacramento Measure A Transportation Sales Tax Program managed by Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA) for $52.2 million for the preliminary engineering, environmental studies (PA&ED), design, right-of-way work and construction.
- Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP) by State of California’s Senate Bill(SB) 1 - Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 for $90 million for construction.
Project Schedule
Circulate Draft Environmental Document -- September 2016 (completed)
Project Approval & Environmental Document – May 2017 (completed)
Request for Qualification for Design-Build Contract – February 2019 (completed)
Request for Proposal for Design-Build Contract – September 2019 (completed)
Award Design-Build Contract – April 2020
Complete Construction – July 2026
Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA)
Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)
Sacramento Regional Transit (SacRT)
Project Contact
Soka Soka, Project Manager
Phone: (530) 682-6236
Email: soka.soka@dot.ca.gov
Dennis Keaton, Public Information Officer
Phone: (530) 741-5474
Email: Dennis.Keaton@dot.ca.gov
Project Documents
**If you need additional information, please contact the Project Manager or the Public Information Officer associated with this project**
03-0H08U ADA Sign In Sheet 10-23-19
Available Documents for Request:
- Project Report - Signed 5/31/17
- 03-0H08U Supplemental PSSR August 2018
- Traffic Report
- Noise Study Report
- Figures from Noise Study Report
- Water Quality Assessment
- Visual Impact Assessment
- Initial Site Assessment
- Historic Property Survey Report
- Floodplain Hydraulics Study
- Initial Study With Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
- Draft Initial Study and Environmental Assessment
- Community Impact Assessment
- Air Quality Technical Study
- Paleo Evaluation Report
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Video / Photos
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