US 101/ SR 92 Interchange Area Improvements Project
EA #2Q800
EFIS Project ID: 0419000050
Project Information

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority in partnership with the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County and in cooperation with Caltrans are implementing improvements serving the U.S. 101 and State Route (SR) 92 interchange. The project construction is funded with over $22 million in Measure A funds as well as $19 million in federal, state, and regional matching funds.
Project Purpose
The U.S. 101 / SR-92 Interchange Area Improvements Project will provide safety and operational improvements across four locations. These will improve traffic flow and safety, reduce hazardous movements, and improve local access to and from U.S. 101. The proposed interchange modifications will result in operational improvements, enhancement to local access, and promotion of economic vitality. The proposed work will also notably improve merge and weave areas, improving safety conditions for all users of the highway system. The four locations are:
- SR-92 west to U.S. 101 south loop ramp and structure modifications
- U.S. 101 to SR-92 east merging area and restriping
- U.S. 101 south to Fashion Island Blvd off-ramp improvements
- U.S. 101 north at Hillsdale Blvd off-ramp and intersection modifications
Project Schedule
Construction work will begin in Spring of 2025 and is expected to be completed in the Summer of 2028.
Project Contact
Jeneane Crawford
(510) 390-3253