State Route 9 Felton Safety Improvements
Project Description
This project proposes to construct a sidewalk from the San Lorenzo Valley High School toward the intersection of Route 9 and Graham Hill Road on the southbound side of Route 9. As part of this improvement, shoulder widening will be constructed so that a minimum 4-foot wide shoulder is provided on the southbound side of the highway at all locations where the sidewalk is constructed at the highway grade. In locations where the new sidewalk alignment is above the highway and behind existing retaining walls, no shoulder widening is proposed.
Signage and/or rapid flashing pedestrian beacon improvements will be evaluated for the project between postmiles 6.3 and 6.45 (South of Graham Hill Road). Detailed proposals for this location will be developed during the Project Approval and Environmental Document phase. If the sidewalk cannot be constructed all the way to Graham Hill Road, the sidewalk and shoulder improvements will be carried to a logical stopping point. A signalized flashing beacon pedestrian crossing will be added at or near the terminus of the sidewalk improvements if they are stopped prior to Graham Hill Road / Felton Empire Road. These design details will be further evaluated during the (PAED) Project Approval and Environmental Document phase of the project.
At spot locations, the sidewalk will be reduced in width to 32 inches per the allowable standards in the current Caltrans Design Information Bulletin (DIB) 82-06 Pedestrian Accessibility Guidelines for Highway Projects. Additionally, non-standard sidewalk widths of 4 feet will be used in severely constrained locations, such as above retaining walls and in front of environmentally sensitive areas or adjacent residences. Where possible throughout the project, a sidewalk width of 6 feet will be constructed. In the Project Approval and Environmental Document phase, when design surveys are received, potential wider path or sidewalk improvements can additionally be investigated for the northern area of the project from postmiles 6.8 to 7.2.
Project Benefits
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian access and safety along the corridor.
Need: Deficiencies in pedestrian access and facilities exist between Graham Hill Road and the San Lorenzo Valley High School. Multiple pedestrian-related collisions have occurred within the most recent 5 years, including 2 fatal collisions.
This project is being funded in the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) with a total programmed capital cost of $8,494,000 dollars.
Preliminary Project Schedule
- Final Environmental document to be completed: Fall 2022
- Right of way acquisition to be completed: Spring 2024
- Design to be completed: Spring 2024
- Advertise: Summer 2024
- Construction to begin: Spring 2025
- Construction to be completed: Winter 2027
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- Project Update - July 2024 (PPT)
Kelli Hill, Project Manager
Phone: (805) 458-3162
Public Information Office: Kevin Drabinski
Phone: (805) 549-3138