State Route 46 4-Lane Widening Project
Project Description
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will widen State Route 46 from a 2-lane to a 4-lane highway between post miles 29.7 and 31.9 in Kern County. The project will also construct a new bridge over the California Aqueduct, a high-intensity activated crosswalk beacon at the State Route 46/Bruning Avenue intersection, a drainage basin on the west side of Lost Hills Road north of the intersection with State Route 46, and curb, gutter, and crosswalks throughout the town of Lost Hills. The project will also acquire land from the southern edge of the Lost Hills Wonderful Park.

Project Benefits
The purpose of the project is to improve the traffic flow, reduce traffic accidents on State Route 46, and improve the safety of State Route 46 to the traveling public.
The project is needed to address the following on State Route 46:
- Congestion and significant traffic delays
- Few opportunities for drivers to safely pass around slower-moving vehicles
- High traffic accident rate
- Route continuity with the rest of the State Route 46 corridor
Estimated Funding Breakdown
Funding Source | Funding Amount |
Local | $3,500,000 |
State | $2,000,000 |
Federal | $17,500,000 BUILD Grant |
Construction Cost | $23,000,000 |
- Federal Highway Administration
- Kern County
Proposed Project Schedule
Process | Date |
Final Environmental Document to be Completed | May 12 2005 |
Right-of-way acquisition to be completed | July 2020 |
Design to be Completed | July 2020 |
Advertise | November 2020 |
Construction to begin | April 2021 |
Construction to be completed | August 2024 |
Project Contact Info
Gilberto Baca, Project Manager
Phone: (559) 243-8425
Public Information Office
Phone: (559) 444-2409
- De Minimis Section 4(f) Evaluation - May 2020 (PDF, 5.0MB)
Title VI Information
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).
Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.
- Title VI Brochure (English, PDF)
- Title VI Brochure (Spanish, PDF)
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Caltrans Information)