District 9 Small Business
Do Business with Caltrans
Caltrans is committed to increasing the economic opportunity and development of Small Businesses (SB), Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE), and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) within the State of California. We are an equal-opportunity employer and accept bids from all subcontractors and suppliers. This includes minority and women-owned businesses and disadvantaged, disabled veterans, and small businesses. Caltrans is committed to the newly implemented DBE goal of 22.2%, an SB participation goal of 25%, and a DVBE goal of 5% on State-funded contracts and procurement.
Small Business Resources
There are many resources available for small businesses wanting to do business with Caltrans. A few of these are listed below, including how to find Minor B projects and educational materials.
Caltrans is committed to the newly implemented DBE goal of 22.2%, an SB participation goal of 25%, and a DVBE goal of 5% except on SB Minor B contracts.Minor B contracts provide a method to accomplish work that is designed and reviewed quickly, with few working days, small in area on the highway, requires a relatively minimal expenditure of funds and personnel, and can be managed simultaneously with major construction projects. Minor B contracts are awarded through the competitive bidding process. Bids cannot exceed the amount determined by the Department of Finance, currently $461,000.00.
Caltrans works with small businesses on its Minor B projects, which are funded by the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Minor Program. Minor B Projects may also include emergency work, also referred to as an emergency District Director's Order (DDO) or work higher than the current bid amount, also known as Director's Orders (DO).
All Minor B projects must have the current Standard Specifications. Check the Office of Engineer for the Standard Specifications.
For more information, contact smallbusinessadvocate@dot.ca.gov.
Current advertised Minor B projects can be found at Cal eProcure. Click "Start a Search" and enter "Minor B" under the Event Name to see current opportunities throughout California.
For small businesses interested in working with Caltrans and the State of California, more information can be found at the following links:
- Cal eProcure: How to sell to the State of California, find bid opportunities, and other public information.
- California State Contracts Register List of Current Bids
- Calendar of Upcoming Bid Openings: Explore upcoming bids for Caltrans projects from the Division of Engineering Services: Program/Project Management and Office Engineer
- Department of General Services Certification Application: Apply or re-apply for certification as a Small Business and/or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise. The Department also has information regarding:
- Certification Eligibility and Benefits
- Bid Opportunities
- SB/DVBE Firm Search
- Outreach and Networking Events
- Office of Civil Rights: OCR ensures non-discrimination in the execution of contracts and promotes positive external customer relations.
- Office of Civil Rights Events Calendar (All in-person events have either been canceled or changed to virtual meetings due to ongoing COVID-19 precautions)
- DBE Certification
- Learn about the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Federal Program and how you can become certified.
The following webinars offer a range of information for firms new to contracting with the State of California.
- How to Do Business with the State of California (Webinar hosted by Norcal PTAC)
- Subcontracting for Primes (Webinar hosted by Caltrans)
- Labor Compliance (Webinar hosted by Caltrans)
- PTAC Overview (Webinar hosted by Caltrans)
- Surety Bonding for Public Works (Webinar hosted by Caltrans)
- Estimating and Bidding: The Basics (Webinar hosted by Norcal PTAC)
- Estimating and Bidding: Best Practices (Webinar hosted by Norcal PTAC)
- Estimating Best Practices (Webinar hosted by Caltrans)
The following links have more educational resources:
- Small Business Administration (Fresno District Office)
- Golden State PTAC (The Procurement Technical Assistance Center helps businesses successfully compete in the Federal, State, and Local Government marketplaces)
- Norcal PTAC Past Webinars (Recorded lessons covering a variety of topics)
Upcoming Events
Caltrans has events and webinars throughout the year, click here to see the calendar of events.

District 9 Contact
For information on SB & DVBE programs, contact:
In Office Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Tuesday through Friday)
Schedule a 1-on-1 Meeting
The Caltrans District 9 Small Business Liaison is available for 1-on-1 meetings. Please send an email to the address above to schedule your 1-on-1.