Eliminated Construction Procedures Directives (CPDs)

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CPD Number Title of Directive Date Approved Documents no longer applicable, superseded, or included somewhere else Construction Manual (CM) or Manual Change Transmittal (MCT)
CPD 23-3 Extended COZEEP Electronic PILOT Process
5/31/2023 Superseded by CPD 24-2
CPD 23-2  Mandatory Valley Fever Awareness Training for 2023  5/15/2023  Superseded by CPD 24-3 
CPD 23-1 COZEEP Electronic Process (PILOT) 3/7/2023 Superseded by CPD 23-3
CPD 22-8 Mandatory Valley Fever Awareness Training 5/6/2022 Superseded by CPD 23-2
CPD- 21-6  Mandatory Valley Fever Awareness Training 2021 5/14/2021 Superseded by CPD 22-8
CPD 21-2 Treated Wood Waste Management Update
3/4/2021 Superseded by CPD 21-17
CPD 21-1 Unsheltered Encampments Within Construction Projects—Update 2/10/2021 N/A
CPD 20-27 Change in Treated Wood Waste Management 11/30/2020 Superseded by CPD 21-2
CPD 20-26 Sampling and Reduction Test Methods 11/4/2020 Superseded by CPD 22-10
CPD 20-22 Code of Safe Practices Update 9/24/2020 Superseded by CPD 21-21
CPD 20-21 COVID-19 Effect on Alternative Dispute Resolution Process 9/22/2020 Superseded by CPD 22-2
CPD 20-19 Guidance Regarding Wildfire Smoke and Protection 9/3/2020 Superseded by CPD 21-21
CPD 20-17 Unsheltered Encampments - COVID 19 Project Effects 7/14/2020  N/A
CPD 20-16 Water Pollution Control Manager Qualifications 7/8/2020 Directive is no longer needed because the COVID-19 emergency has ended. 
 CPD 20-12  Mandatory Annual Training Regarding Valley Fever Awareness  6/5/2020  N/A
CPD 20-9
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Substitution
4/3/2020  N/A
CPD 20-6 Code of Safe Practices Guidance Pertaining to Coronavirus (COVID-19) 3/26/2020 Superseded by CPD 20-22
CPD 20-5 Coronavirus Impact on Alternative Dispute Resolution Process 3/26/2020 Superseded by CPD 20-21
CPD 19-9 Speed Limit Reductions in Construction Work Zones  4/30/2019 N/A
CPD 19-6 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Smoothness 03/04/2019 N/A
 CPD 19-4  Mandatory Safety Meeting Regarding Valley Fever  1/25/2019 Superseded by CPD 22-8
CPD 17-5  Code of Safe Practices - September 2017 9/15/2017 Superseded by CPD 20-22
CPD 16-11

Suspension of the SRT 350, SRT-27SP and SRT-31 Guardrail End Treatments 

08/08/2016 Superseded by CPD 16-14
CPD 16-9

Administration of Drought-Related Emergency Contracts

06/30/2016 MCT 17-1
CPD 16-8 Hot Mix Asphalt with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 6/22/2016 N/A
CPD 16-7 Shortage of Material—Fly Ash 05/24/2016 N/A
CPD 16-6

Guardrail End Terminal Inspection

05/11/2016 Included in CM Section 4-83, MCT 17-1
CPD 16-2

Pavement Smoothness Data Submittal

02/25/2016 Included in CM Section 4-36, MCT 17-1
CPD 15-5 Water Conservation — Implementation of Caltrans’ 2015 Drought Action Plan Commitments
CPD 15-4 Recycled Water Usage for Landscaping 12/01/2015 N/A
CPD 14-11

Advance Ramp Meter Control Signal Signs

12/30/2014 MCT 17-1
CPD 14-9 Flagging Instruction Handbook 10/29/2014
CPD 14-8 Portable Transverse Rumble Strips 10/29/2014
CPD 14-7

Modification and Reduction of Construction Projects Stormwater Monitoring and Inspection Forms

08/25/2014 MCT 17-1
CPD 14-4 Coefficient of Friction Testing on Bridge Deck Methacrylate Resin Treatments and Polyester Concrete Overlays 06/17/2014 N/A
CPD 14-3

Temporary Pedestrian Facilities Updates

06/17/2014 Included in CM Section 2-2, MCT 17-1
CPD 14-2

Code of Safe Practices

04/10/2014 Supersedes CPD 10-11
CPD 14-1 Water Conservation 03/04/2014 N/A
CPD   13-10 Implementation of Automated Machine Guidance for Ongoing Projects 11/12/2013 N/A
CPD 13-8

Contractor Option to use Inertial Profiler to Determine Pavement Smoothness

09/23/2013 MCT 17-1
CPD 13-7

Seed Samples for Erosion Control Work

09/18/2013 Supersedes CPD 07-3 and CPD 12-1, MCT 17-1
CPD 13-5 Contractor Option to user up to 25 Percent Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Hot Mix Asphalt 08/02/2013 N/A
CPD 13-4 Hot Mix Asphalt Optimum Bitumen Content Based on Total Weight of the Mix 07/15/2013 N/A
CPD 13-3 Construction Support Planning, Managing, and Charging Practices 06/04/2013 N/A
CPD 13-2

Release of Revised Standard Plan RSP B11-47, "Cable Railing"

04/19/2013 MCT 17-1
CPD 13-1 Salvaged or Surplus Materials 04/19/2013 N/A
CPD 12-3 Quality Management Work on the State Highway System—Updated Attachment 1 and Quality Management Plan Link 10/01/2012 Included in CM Section 9-2, MCT 13-9
CPD 12-2 Contractor Option for Use of Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies in Hot Mix Asphalt 06/07/2012 N/A
CPD 12-1 Seed Samples for Erosion Control Work-Updated Contact Information 06/07/2012 Superseded by CPD 13-7
CPD 11-5 Construction General Permit Training 12/28/2011 MCT 17-1
CPD 11-4 Smoothness Specification Requirements for Thin Hot Mix Asphalt Overlays 10/28/2011 MCT 17-1
CPD 11-2 Grandfathered Risk Level 1 Projects Continuing Past September 2, 2011 07/22/2011 N/A
CPD 11-1 ADA Requirements for Temporary Pedestrian Facilities 04/05/2011 Included in CM Section 2-2, MCT 17-1
CPD 10-14 Relative Mortar Strength of Fine Aggregate 11/30/2010 MCT 17-1
CPD 10-13 Revised Implementation of Traffic Operations Policy Directive 09 - 06 10/28/2010 MCT 17-1
CPD 10-12 Interviews with Contractor Personnel 09/09/2010 N/A
CPD 10-11 2010 Code of Safe Practices 08/26/2010 Superseded by CPD 14-2
CPD 10-10 Shortage of Material—Pavement Striping and Markings 07/30/2010 No longer applicable 
CPD 10-9 Implementation of New Construction General Permit Risk Levels 2 and 3 07/30/2010 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 10-8 Stem to Deck Construction Joint 08/12/2010 MCT 17-1
CPD 10-7 Supplemental G-12 Funds Request Memorandum-Signature Change 07/16/2010 MCT 17-1
CPD 10-5 Adding Water to Concrete in the Fieldt 06/24/2010 MCT 17-1
CPD 10-6 Small Business Utilization Report Pilot Program Cancellation 06/30/2010 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 10-4 Implementation of New Construction General Permit 05/24/2010 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 10-3 Major Incident Notification 4/22/2010 Included in CM Section 2-303, MCT 12-1
CPD 10 -2 Consistent Implementation of Caltrans Stormwater Management Program 03/09/2010 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 10-1 Small Business Utilization Report Pilot Program Extension 02/25/2010 N/A
CPD 09-14 Resident Engineer Daily Reports and Monthly Pay Quantity Verification 12/30/2009 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 09-13 Variance for Aerially Deposited Lead 10/23/2009 MCT 17-1
CPD 09-12 Implementation of Traffic Operations 10/15/2009 Included in CM Section 2-216A, MCT 12-1
CPD 09-11 Equipment Rental Rates Effective October 1, 2009 09/28/2009 MCT 17-1
CPD 09-10 Supplemental Progress Payment Estimates 08/25/2009 Included in CM Section 3-9, 5-1, MCTs 13-8 & 13-11
CPD 09-09 Charges for Restaking Rate 08/13/2009 Superseded by CPD 19-11
CPD 09-8 Recovery Act Reporting 08/03/2009 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 09-7 Federal Segregation Determination on Contract Change Order 07/28/2009 Included in CM Section 5-3, MCT 13-12
CPD 09-6 High-Visibility Garment Standards 5/29/2009 Included in CM Section 2-105C, MCT 12-1
CPD 09-5 Five Percent Limestone in Portland Cement 05/27/2009 MCT 17-1
CPD 09-4 Use of "SLOW FOR THE CONE ZONE" SC20(CA) Sign in Construction Projects 04/10/2009 Included in CM Section 2-216A, MCT 12-1
CPD 09-3 Small Business Utilization Report—Pilot Program 04/10/2009 N/A
CPD 09-2 Temporary Sales and Use Tax Increase—Assembly Bill 3 (Evans) 04/02/2009 N/A
CPD 09-1 District Director Determination of Claims (Evans) 03/26/2009 MCT 17-1
CPD 08-13 Accessible Parking Implementation-Assembly Bill 1531 12/05/2008 Included in CM Section 2-216A, MCT 12-1
CPD 08-11 Construction Claims Information System 10/21/2008 Included in CM Section 5-4, MCT 13-7
CPD 08-10 Training Special Provision-Federal-Aid Contracts 10/10/2008 Included in CM Section 8-209, MCT 08-1
CPD 08-9 Hot Mix Asphalt Specifications Evaluation 09/29/2008 N/A
CPD 08-8 Worker Certification Requirements 09/11/2008 N/A
CPD 08-7 Options for Meeting California Test 371 Requirements for Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt-Gap Graded 09/18/2008 N/A
CPD 08-6 Cost Reduction Incentive Proposals 08/29/2008 MCT 17-1
CPD 08-5 Quality Management Work on the State Highway System 08/20/2008 MCT 17-1
CPD 08-4 2009 Time Extension on Existing Variance for Aerially Deposited Lead 07/28/2008 MCT 17-1
CPD 08-3 Equipment Rental Rates Effective August 1, 2008 07/28/2008 MCT 17-1
CPD 08-2 Pavement Asphalt Concrete Reporting System 06/25/2008 N/A
CPD 08-1 Day After Thanksgiving—Nonworking Day 02/29/2008 N/A
CPD 07-4 2008 Time Extension on Existing Variance for Aerially Deposited Lead 08/20/2007 MCT 17-1
CPD 07-3 Seed Samples for Erosion Control Work 7/20/2007 Superseded by CPD 13-7
CPD 07-2 Portland Cement Specification 02/23/2007 MCT 17-1
CPD 06-12 Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Report 12/15/2006 Included in CM Section 7-109, MCT 06-2
CPD 06-11 Performance Graced Polymer Modified Asphalt 11/21/2006 N/A
CPD 06-10 Office of Administrative Hearings' Change of Address 10/06/2006 Included in CM Section 5-4, MCT 13-7
CPD 06-9 Change in Flare Gap in Flared Columns 09/21/2006 MCT 17-1
CPD 06-8 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 09/18/2006 Included in Section 39 of the Standard Specifications
CPD 06-7 Eliminate haunch detail for Type 1 Retaining Walls with safety barrier 08/24/2006 MCT 17-1
CPD 06-6 2007 Time Extension on Existing Variance for Aerially Deposited Lead 7/28/2006 Supersedes CPD 05-5 and CPD 05-7
CPD 06-5 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program 05/06/2006 Superseded by CPB 09-3, MCT 17-1
CPD 06-4 Revised - Seed Samples for Erosion Control Work 04/18/2006 Superseded by CPD 07-3
CPD 06-3 Division of Construction Approved Contract Change Order Direction 04/05/2006 Included in CM Section 5-3, MCT 13-12
CPD 06-2 Serving Legal Division with a Copy of a Contract Complaint in Arbitration 02/17/2006 Included in CM Section 5-4, MCT 13-7
CPD 06-1 Independent Assurance Manual 1/12/2006 included in Independent Assuance Manual
CPD 05-13 Effects of Assembly Bill 574, Recycled Concrete 12/29/2005 N/A
CPD 05-12 Standard Plans Updates for Projects Supplemented by the 1999 Sandard Plans 12/14/2005 Included in May 2006 Standard Plans
CPD 05-11 Alternative Terminal Systems for Safety Devices 12/1/2005 Included in May 2006 Standard Plans A77L1-L5
CPD 05-10 Performance Graded Paving Asphalt 11/10/2005 N/A
CPD 05-9 Contractor Arbitration Filing Address 10/14/2005 Superseceded by CPD 06-10
CPD 05-8 Availability of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Documents to State Agencies and Public 08/26/2005 MCT 17-1
CPD 05-7 Time Extension on Existing Variance for Aerially Deposited Lead 8/9/2005 Superseceded by CPD 06-6
CPD 05-6 Construction's Role in the Development of the Division of Design's Storm Water Data Report 07/28/2005 MCT 17-1
CPD 05-5 Construction Policy Directive 05-5 Expiration of the Variance for Aerially Deposited Lead 05/11/2005 Superseded by CPD 06-6, MCT 17-1
CPD 05-4 Rescind CPD-03-8 (Reinforcing Steel Shortage) 04/27/2005 N/A
CPD 05-3 Temporary Fiber Roll Quality Standards 4/19/2005 no longer applicable
CPD 05-2 Inconsequential Contract Change Order Determinations 04/20/2005 Included in CM Section 5-3, MCT 13-12
CPD 05-1 Slow for the Cone Zone Construction Project Information Signs Overlay 2/9/2005 Covered in the Standard Plans
CPD 04-8 Seed Samples for Erosion Control 8/13/2004 Included in Sect.4-20, MCT-05-2
CPD 04-7 Erection and Removal of Falsework Over Public Traffic is Prohibited 7/23/200 Included in Section 7-1.09 of the Standard Specifications
CPD 04-6 Application of the Tunnel Safety Orders 05/10/2004 N/A
CPD 04-5 Disposal of Portland Cement Concrete Residue 7/8/2004 Included in the Standard Specifications 42-600
CPD 04-4 Ultimate and Service Butt Splice Production Tests for Reinforcing Steel, Revised Witnessing Requirements 07/06/2004 No longer applicable
CPD 04-3 Distribution of Claim Documents 02/23/2004 Included in CM Section 5-4, MCT 13-7
CPD 04-2 Disposition of Construction Project Records 04/06/2004 Included in CM Section 5-1, MCT 13-11
CPD 04-1 Contractor Licensing 04/15/2004 MCT 17-1
CPD 03-8 Reinforcing Steel Shortage 10/27/2003 Rescinded on CPD 05-4
CPD 03-7 Interchange Exit Numbering 12/16/2003 Covered in Design Manual
CPD 03-6 Convert Water Pollution Control Program to Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 3/22/2003 Included in Standard Special Provision 10-1
CPD 03-4 Pile Driving Acceptance Criteria 09/02/2003 No longer applicable
CPD 03-5 Notice of Potential Claim and Final Payment and Claim Changes - Notification Letter 3/14/2003 Included in Section 5-4 Disputes, MCT-04-2
CPD 03-1 24 Hour Contractor Required Water Pollution Control Training 1/30/2003 Included in Standard Special Provision 7-340
CPD 02-10 Hazardous Waste Procedures 12/20/2002 Included in CM Section 7-106
CPD 02-9 New Requirement for Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities (Type Below Grade) 9/20/2002 Included in Construction Site Best Management Practices, Field Manual and Trouble-Shooting Guide
CPD 02-7 Water Pollution Control Inspections for Off-site Contractor Activities 9/23/2002 MCT 17-1
CPD 02-6 Construction Oversight of Projects Funded by Others 4/19/2002 Replaced by Oversight Engineer Field Guidelines
CPD 02-5 Traffic Signal And Lighting Poles 4/22/2002 MCT 17-1
CPD 02-4 Hazardous Materials Internet Information 3/12/2002 MCT 17-1
CPD 02-3 Damage Claim Standard Special Provision (SSP) Revision 08/23/2002 N/A
CPD 02-1 Waivers of Buy America Requirements 3/5/2002 Included in Section 3-6 Contrl of Mat. (MCT-03-2)
CPD 01-16 AB 75 Landfill Diversion Rate Data Collection 12/20/2001 Included in CM Section 7-109, MCT 06-2
CPD 01-15 Overhead Sign Structures 11/15/2001 Obsolete-eliminated under MCT 13-10
CPD 01-14 Quality of Traffic Control Devices 11/29/2001 N/A
CPD 01-13 Curing Compound 10/23/2001 Included in Section 90 of the Standard Specifications
CPD 01-12 Review of Differing Site Conditions by a Management Review Committee 2/21/2002 Included in Section 3-511Differing Site Conditions (MCT 08-1)
CPD 01-10 Protecting Environmentally Sensitive Areas During Construction 9/4/2001 Included in Standard Special Provision S5-760
CPD 01-9 Professional Engineering Funding Program 7/18/2001 Current program funding information can be found at intranet site: http://onramp.dot.ca.gov/hq/design/profdev/rc.php
CPD 01-8 New Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Requirements Pursuant to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Caltrans & CCO Guidelines for Construction 7/20/2001 Included in Standard Special Provision 7-340 or 7-346
CPD 01-7 New Storm Water Sampling and Analysis Requirements Pursuant to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Caltrans & Contract Change Order (CCO) Guidelines for Construction 7/20/2001 Included in Standard Special Provision 7-340 or 7-346
CPD 01-6 Unsatisfactory Progress of Work 7/13/2001 Included in CM Section 3-9, MCT 13-8
CPD 01-5 Energy Crisis Contingency Planning 7/02/2001 MCT 17-1
CPD 01-4 Respirator Use during Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) and Performance Based Asphalt (PBA) Paving 07/03/2001 N/A
CPD 01-3 Amendment to Section 8-2 of Special Provisions on ALL on-going Projects 3/06/2001 Included in Section 90 of the Standard Specifications
CPD 01-2 Industrial Work Order 16 and Assembly Bill 60 02/28/2001 N/A
CPD 01-1 Construction Contract Time 2/28/2001 MCT 17-1
CPD 00-13 Revised SSP S5-170, “Dispute Review Board”
New SSP S5-056, “Final Payment and Claims”
12/12/2000 MCT 17-1
CPD 00-12.1 New NPDES Permits for Caltrans & CCO Guidelines revised 1/22/01 9/29/2000 Included in Standard Special Provision 7-340 or 7-346
CPD 00-11 Overtime Policy for Construction Employees 09/27/2000 N/A
CPD 00-10 Contractor Contingency Plans 8/22/2000 Included in CM Section 2-2, MCT 17-1
CPD 00-9 Processing Claim Settlement Reports 10/27/00 Included in CM Section 5-4, MCT 13-7
CPD 00-8.1 Addendum, Aerially Deposited Lead Variance 9/20/2000 MCT 17-1
CPD 00-7 Fast Setting Hydraulic Cement Concrete 6/27/2000 Information in Stnd Special Provisions 40-026
CPD 00-6 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) Transverse Weakened Plane Joint Spacing 8/3/2000 Information in 2006 Stnd Plans P1 and P2
CPD 00-5 Clarifications to Differing Site Conditions Specifications 5/23/2000 MCT 17-1
CPD 00-4 Claims Administration & Arbitration - Delegation of Authority 5/31/2000 Table superseded by CPD 00-9 table
CPD 00-3 Caltrans Test 360-Surface Abrasion 05/11/2000 N/A
CPD 00-2 Conductors and Wiring 3/8/2000 Information in Amendments to Section 86 of the Standard Specifications
CPD 00-1 Surface Mining and Reclamation Act 2/18/2000 Included in CM Section 7-103, MCT 02-2
CPD 99-4 Alkali Silica Reactive (ASR) Aggregate Mitigation Measure 1/10/2000 Included in Sect. 90 Standard Specifications
CPD 99-3 Testing For Uniform Mixing of Portland Cement 12/17/99 Included in Sect. 90 Standard Specifications
CPD 99-2 Compaction Requirements on Shoulders with Rumble Strips 11/22/1999 N/A
CPD 98-1 Crashworthy Guardrail End Terminal 4/13/98 Information in 2006 Stnd Plans A77H1-A7712