Joint Training and Certification Program (JTCP)
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What is the JTCP?
Training & Certification
Certification Details
Certification Extensions
JTCP/ACI Equivalency
Program Documents and Links
News, JTCP Advisory Council, Registration
New for 2025!
Changes to HMA I: As of January 1, 2025, AASHTO T 30 – Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate will be offered in the HMA I module in conjunction with modifications to Caltrans Standard Specifications. To accommodate this change, CT 105 – Calculations Pertaining to Gradations and Specific Gravities will be removed from HMA I. AASHTO T 30 will continue to be available outside of the JTCP to any technician with current HMA I or HMA II certification. CT 105 certification will be available outside of the JTCP without any specific prerequisites. For further details, please contact Caltrans Independent Assurance at
Changes to Soils & Aggregate (S&A): CT 105 – Calculations Pertaining to Gradations and Specific Gravities is no longer a prerequisite test method within the S&A module and can be opted out of on exam day. Additionally, S&A training material is currently undergoing major improvements (completion expected in March 2025) and within that process, CT 105 will be removed from the program. CT 105 certification will be available outside of the JTCP without any specific prerequisites. For further details, please contact Caltrans Independent Assurance at
Recertification Session Schedule: Recertification sessions will now be scheduled for the entire calendar year so technicians and laboratories can plan accordingly. The session schedule has been created on the basis of past recertification enrollment rates and estimated volume of eligible enrollees. Recertification sessions will be paired up where possible to offer the opportunity to recertify in two modules in one week.
Recertification Enrollment and Scheduling Rules:
- If a recertification session does not reach adequate enrollment, the session will be cancelled rather than postponed. All enrollees will be directed to register in a regular session for the training module with extensions approved by Caltrans IA where appropriate.
- If a session reaches enrollment capacity, another session will not necessarily open. An eligible technician will not be offered an extension to the next recertification session and will need to enroll in a regular session. However, if a desired recent session is full, the eligible technician should contact CSULB-JTCP and request to be added to a waiting list. If the waiting list becomes long enough, CSULB will open another session.
The Joint Training and Certification Program (JTCP) was established by a Caltrans-Industry partnership to make the certification process more efficient and ultimately to obtain consistent, reliable, and quality highway construction materials testing. The need to build a proficient materials testing workforce to efficiently manage an ever-increasing workload is highlighted with the recent passing of Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1). Through the JTCP, technicians will receive training, gain proficiency and become Caltrans Independent Assurance (IA) certified to sample and test highway construction materials.
The JTCP offers training and certification in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), Soils & Aggregates (S/A), and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) through a partnership with California State University Long Beach (CSULB), San Jose State University (SJSU), and the American Concrete Institute (ACI). The in-person, hands-on training for HMA and S/A modules are conducted on the campuses of CSULB and SJSU. PCC modules are typically held in the Sacramento and San Bernardino regions at ACI-sponsored sites.
The JTCP is managed by an Advisory Council of approximately 12 members consisting of Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Industry organizations and Academia. The council meets semi-annually to address issues, concerns and results, with a focus on continuous program improvement. Advisory Council membership and meeting minutes can be found here.
Training & Certification
JTCP enrollment is managed through a CSU Long Beach website which includes password-protected profile registration and guidance on attending each module. Upon registration at the website, you will be required to complete a few minor steps, such as a safety quiz and a prerequisite test, prior to enrolling in a session. The JTCP schedule will always include sessions for each module and start/end dates at each campus or ACI-sponsored location.
The JTCP offers training and certification in the following modules (click on module to see complete list of tests):
- Hot Mix Asphalt I (HMA I)
- Hot Mix Asphalt II (HMA II)
- Soils and Aggregates (S/A)
- Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) – (ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I)
Training and certification through JTCP are required for all technicians to receive or maintain Caltrans IA certification in the test methods offered through these modules (some exceptions apply, see JTCP FAQs). Register for JTCP training at the following website:
CSULB | Caltrans - Joint Training & Certification Program
NOTE: The PCC module provided through the JTCP is intended for Caltrans employees only. If you are not a Caltrans employee but require certification in ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I, please contact your local ACI chapter for available certification sessions.
NOTE: If currently employed with Caltrans, for all enrollments you will also need to register in Caltrans LMS (Staff Central) for the same session. The LMS registration is intended to verify supervisor approval and to assure the session will appear on your training record.
Certification Details
Caltrans IA Certification
The final day of each session is “examination day” where you will apply your training to written and practical exams administered by Caltrans IA. Upon successful completion of these exams, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from CSULB or SJSU confirming your participation in the program, and you will receive a formal Caltrans IA certification. Caltrans IA certification includes a new or updated profile in the Statewide Independent Assurance Database (SIAD) where highway project personnel can verify your materials testing credentials.
For those attending the PCC module, written and practical exams will be administered by ACI personnel. Upon successful completion, ACI will provide a formal certification in the 7 associated ASTM test methods and Caltrans JTCP staff will automatically provide CT / ACI Equivalency certifications through the SIAD. If you have completed ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I directly through ACI, please see equivalency request information here.
Opting Out of Test Methods
Enrollees may opt out of test methods included in the JTCP with the exception of CT 105 (HMA I and S/A) and CT 201 (S/A). An opt-out declaration, if needed, will be provided on the day of examination. Please note that the PCC module does not have a test method opt-out provision.
Recertification modules have been available since September of 2023. These are 2-day sessions where Day 1 is a full review of module-related test methods and Day 2 is exam day. Like regular JTCP sessions, attendance is required for the entire review day to qualify for recertification. Please note that the PCC module does not offer alternate recertification sessions.
Enrollment Qualification: To qualify for a recertification session, you must meet the following 2 conditions:
- You have enrolled in a recertification session that occurs before or within 45 days after your certification expiration date.
- You attended the full training on your last module certification.
If you enroll in a session that occurs more than 45 days after your certifications have expired, it must be a regular JTCP session rather than a recertification session. The JTCP recommends that qualified technicians enroll in a recertification session that occurs as near as possible to their expiration date to avoid any risk of losing a recertification option and to avoid potential certification expiration. If you enroll in a recertification session that occurs more than 45 days after your certification expiration, you will be contacted and be required to change the enrollment to a regular session. Exceptions will be made if you are enrolled in a session that is cancelled.
Previous Recertifications: If you opted out of training (attended exam day only) or attended a recert session for on your last module recertification you will be required to attend a regular JTCP session for recertification. If you enroll in a recert session, you will be contacted and be required to change the enrollment to a regular session.
Qualified Test Methods: All test methods will be available for certification regardless of a previous opt-out and regardless of the session type (regular or recertification).
Caltrans IA will grant extensions to existing JTCP certifications for technicians who have enrolled in a session that will occur within 45 days after their certifications have expired. Extensions will not be provided automatically. Technicians needing an extension must contact Caltrans JTCP personnel at with subject line "Extension Request".
The maximum extension that may be provided is 45 days unless you are enrolled in a recert session that has been cancelled. If the recert session has been cancelled, you will be required to enroll in the next available regular session and your certifications will be extended to the related exam date.
JTCP / ACI Equivalency
The JTCP offers equivalent 500-series California Test method certifications to technicians with a valid ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I certificate. To obtain these equivalent certifications, please submit a ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I/CT Equivalency Request Form (TL-0116) (PDF) to
Program Documents and Links
- Caltrans IA Manual 2024 (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I/CT Equivalency Request Form (TL-0116) (PDF)
- CSU Long Beach JTCP Enrollment Website
- Independent Assurance (IA) Resources Webpage
- Statewide Independent Assurance Database (SIAD)
News |
JTCP Advisory Council |
Register Here |