Earmark Repurposing
2024 Earmark Repurposing
Public Law 118-0042 Section 125. Rescinded 11 projects from the DEMO list.
Public Law 118-0042 Section 125 is from 2024 Appropriations Bill. It reads:
SEC. 125. (a) Of the unallocated and unobligated balances available to the Federal Highway Administration, the following funds are hereby permanently rescinded (highlighted for emphasis), subject to subsections (b) and (c), from the following accounts and programs in the specified amounts: (1) $48,346,377.35 from funds available in the ‘‘Surface Transportation Priorities’’ account (69 X 0538)
As noted in the section, any unallocated and unobligated balances are permanently rescinded and that’s why you see the negative amounts reflected in the FMISN25A, All DEMOS Status of Funds and Expenditures Report.
You can access a copy of the Appropriations Bill at: https://www.congress.gov/118/plaws/publ42/PLAW-118publ42.pdf (congress.gov). The language is on page 298.
List of 11 projects permanently rescinded all the remaining un-obligate Federal funds and below is the list:
Demo ID |
Description |
District |
Program Code |
Amount Rescinded |
CA836 |
Assessment of Transit-Oriented Development Along Phase II of the Gold Line Foothill Extension, Monrovia, CA |
7 |
56A0 |
($237,500) |
CA838 |
Cesar Chavez Blvd/Calexico-West Port of Entry Congestion Improvements, CA |
11 |
56A0 |
($127,565) |
CA841 |
Intersection Modernization, Synchronization, and Repavement, Bell, CA |
7 |
56A0 |
($42,269) |
CA842 |
Lenwood Road Grade Separation Project, CA |
8 |
56A0 |
($0.02) |
CA846 |
Santa Clarita Cross Valley Connector, Santa Clarita, CA |
7 |
56A0 |
($74,720) |
CA851 |
Atlantic Boulevard South, CA |
7 |
56C0 |
($499,915) |
CA858 |
Paramount Boulevard Improvements, Monterey Park, CA |
7 |
56C0 |
($249,957) |
CA861 |
Rosecrans Avenue/405 Freeway Ramp Widening Project, Hawthorne, CA |
7 |
56C0 |
($98,015) |
CA862 |
San Gabriel Trench Project, CA |
7 |
56C0 |
($5,000) |
CA863 |
Schuyler Heim Bridge Replacement and SR-47 Expressway, CA |
7 |
56C0 |
($499,915) |
CA868 |
Westlake Transit Improvement, CA |
7 |
56C0 |
($399,933) |
Total |
($2,234,790) |
Final Approved Earmark Repurposing Project List
FHWA has completed their approval of California’s Earmark Repurposing transfer requests for 2024. Below is the list of approved projects with the appropriate funding (with Federal Program Codes). Once funds have been programmed into the FSTIP, agencies may begin working with their DLAEs to process Requests for Authorization (RFAs) in accordance with the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM).
Final Approved Earmark Repurposing Project List(PDF)
On August 16, 2024, FHWA issued guidance on the implementation of Earmark repurposing provisions contained in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2024.
The Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2024 allows States to repurpose certain funds originally earmarked for specific projects more than 10 fiscal years prior to September 30, 2013, and is less than 10 percent obligated or final vouchered and closed.
The repurposed funds may be obligated on a new or existing project in the State within 25 miles of the earmark designation. The project must be an eligible project under the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG). The Repurposing Provision is available to be applied in FY 2024.
This year, we received the guidance very late and we only have couple weeks to completed the Earmark Repurposing.
Timeline, Fact Sheet, and Project Lists
- Timeline(PDF)
- Fact Sheet(excel)
- Earmark Projects with Less than 10% Obligated(excel)
- Earmark Projects with Greater than 10% Obligated(excel)
- Unallocated Earmarks Less Than 10% Obligated(excel)
- Unallocated Earmarks Greater Than 10% Obligated(excel)
FHWA 2024 Earmark Repurposing Guidance
- Guidance Memorandum(PDF)
- Attachment 1: Repurposing Process(word)
- Attachment 2: Modified Transfer Form(excel)
- Attachment 3: Obligation of Apportioned Funding(PDF)
- Program Code Crosswalk(PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions(word)
If you have any questions regarding Earmark Repurposing, please email Repurposing@dot.ca.gov
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