Mile Markers

Mile Markers: Caltrans Key Strategic Plan Performance Measures

Caltrans Strategic Plan Performance Objectives

Caltrans 2020-2024 Strategic Plan has a series of performance objectives meant to gauge success at affecting the intended outcomes for each of the six goals. This dashboard represents those performance objectives that we are tracking and are able to report on.

safety icon

Goal: Safety First

Reduce the number of on-the-job serious injuries to zero, annually.

 Image of a bar chart displaying ‘annual traffic safety targets presented as not-to-exceed targets’ for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 fiscal years

An on-the-job serious injury is any work-related injury or illness resulting in a fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye. Work-related COVID-19 cases not counted in this performance objective. Annual traffic safety targets are presented as not-to-exceed targets. Data is provisional and subject to change. The traffic collision data used for these performance objectives will not be final until the third quarter of calendar year 2024.

excellence icon

Goal: Cultivate Excellence

Increase the percentage of surveyed external partners who positively respond to the statement, "Caltrans is a collaborative partner," to 83% by December 31, 2022.


Increase the percentage of surveyed Caltrans employees who "slightly agree," "agree," or "strongly agree" with the statement, "I would recommend Caltrans as a great place to work to members of my community," to 88% by December 31, 2022.


stewardship icon

Goal: Strengthen Stewardship and Drive Efficiency

Increase the utilization of DBE certified contractors, overall and across each SED group, to annually achieve our DBE goal of 22.2%.

Image of a bar chart displaying 25.23% as of December 31, 2022. Exceeding the target by 3.03 percent.

Increase the dollar value of small businesses, disabled veteran business enterprises, and disadvantaged business enterprises, by 100% by June 2023.


Caltrans Office of Civil Rights (OCR) projected year-over-year increases based on increases from the baseline fiscal year of 2014-15. Given the office’s virtual outreach, increase in certification, and other tools used in its outreach.

climate icon

Goal: Lead Climate Action

Increase the percentage of Caltrans fleet that are ZEVs, to 8% by June 2023.


Zero-emission vehicles include pure zero emission vehicles such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEV). Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are considered transitional ZEVs and are included in the department’s count of ZEVs. The percentage of ZEV vehicles in the fleet is calculated using the total number of ZEV fleet in-service count divided by the total self-propelled mobile fleet in-service count. The department faces a few challenges to meet the goal of 20% ZEVs by 2025. These challenges include vehicle technology and availability, fueling and charging infrastructure, and funding. In the near term, the fleet ZEVs are not anticipated to increase as fast as in future years when the industry and the department start to overcome these challenges.

equity icon

Goal: Advance Equity and Livability in all Communities

Develop Equity Index (1.0) to identify underserved communities for investments and projects, and measure equity broadly across Caltrans programs by June 30, 2022.


Create an accessibility score by March 2022.


The Accessibility Score will rate the accessibility to public and active transportation travel options, proximity of affordable housing to employment and civic centers, and a high-quality public realm. Accessibility evaluation tool(s) will be identified to determine a project or plan’s accessibility score.

Implement use of an engagement tool to assess baseline engagement and enable documentation of engagement efforts by June 2024.
