Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware Implementation
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California Department of Transportation's (Caltrans) timeline for implementation of roadside safety hardware and evaluation of new products under the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) is consistent with the Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Federal Highway Administration Joint Implementation Agreement for MASH.
Caltrans Policy Documents on Implementation
- 11/25/24 Memo: MASH Guidance for Upgrading Existing Traffic Safety Hardware (PDF)
- 12/30/20 Memo: Implementation of MASH for Temporary Traffic Control Devices (PDF)
- 12/9/19 Memo: Implementation of Temporary Concrete Railing (PDF)
- 11/12/19 Memo: MASH Compliance Plan and Policy (PDF)
- 8/2/19 Memo: Interim Type Selection Guidelines for Bridge Railings in California (PDF)
- July 2019 MASH Implementation for California Bridge Railings (PDF)
- 12/23/16 Memo: Implementation of the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (PDF)
List of Devices
- Bridge Rails (Engineering Services Owner), MASH (XLSX)
- Concrete Barriers, MASH (XLSX)
- Flared Terminals, MASH (XLSX)
- Inline Terminals, MASH (XLSX)
- Median Terminals, MASH (XLSX)
- Miscellaneous, MASH (XLSX)
- Permanent Barriers, MASH (XLSX)
- Permanent Narrow Crash Cushions, MASH (XLSX)
- Permanent Wide Crash Cushions, MASH (XLSX)
- Temporary Barrier Systems, MASH (XLSX)
- Temporary Crash Cushions, MASH (XLSX)
- Truck and Trailer Mounted Attenuators, MASH (XLSX)
- W-Beam Guardrail, MASH (Midwest Guardrail System) (XLSX)
List of National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350 Devices
- Bridge Rails, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report (NCHRP) (XLSX)
- Miscellaneous, NCHRP (XLSX)
- Sign Supports and all other breakaway hardware, NCHRP (XLSX) (Engineering Services Owner)
- Temporary Barriers, NCHRP (XLSX)
- Temporary Crash Cushions, NCHRP (XLSX)
- Thrie Beam Barriers, NCHRP (XLSX)
- Truck and Trailer Mounted Attenuators, NCHRP (XLSX)