District 2 Small Business Program
District 2 Small Business Program
We’re Big on Small Business!
The District 2 Small Business Program exists to assist firms in doing business with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). It is Caltrans’ goal to promote Small Business, DVBE, and DBE participation in its procurement and contracting process. We are committed to achieving these goals by continuing to be advocates for Small Businesses and keeping the community informed about the contracting opportunities within the State of California. This site intends to provide up-to-date information for the Small Business Program in District 2.
Small Business Liaison
Amanda Andersen
1657 Riverside Drive
Redding, CA 96001
Phone: (530) 338-4411
Email: d2smallbusiness@dot.ca.gov
North Region (D1, D2, & D3) Small Business Program
Email: nr.small.business@dot.ca.gov
Statewide District Small Business Liaison Contact List
Bid Opportunities
Caltrans Contracting Opportunities Portal
- Department: 2660 (Department of Transportation)
Event ID: 02 (projects with this two-digit prefix are located in District 2)
Statewide Construction Projects – 24 Month Advertise Look Ahead
Benefits and Requirements
Small Business Certification Benefits
As a certified small business you:
- Qualify for a 5% bid preference on applicable state contracts.
- Are eligible for benefits under the Prompt Payment Act, including higher interest penalties for late, undisputed invoice payments (interest penalties for construction firms are addressed under Public Contract Code 10261.5).
- Are listed in the state’s Internet Certified Firm Listing giving your firm more visibility and expanded business networking opportunities.
Small Business Eligibility Requirements
As a certified small business you:
- Must be independently owned and operated.
- Cannot be dominant in its field of operation.
- Must have its principal office located in California.
- Must have its owners (or officers in the case of a corporation) domiciled in California.
- Together with your affiliates, be either:
- A business with 100 or fewer employees, and an average annual gross receipts of $16 million or less over the previous three tax years, or
- A manufacturer with 100 or fewer employees.
Small Business for the Purpose of Public Works Eligibility Requirements
As a certified Small Business for the Purpose of Public Works you:
- Must be independently owned and operated.
- Cannot be dominant in its field of operation.
- Must have its principal office located in California.
- Owners, Officers, Members/Managers, Partners must be domiciled in California.
- Together with your affiliates, be a business with 200 or fewer employees.
- Average $36 million or less in gross annual receipts over the last three tax years (including affiliates).
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Certification Benefits
As a certified Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise you:
- Are eligible for the State 3% DVBE Participation Program.
- Have your business opened up to business networking opportunities via OSBCR’s Internet Certified Firm Listing.
- Are sought after by other governmental DVBE programs seeking to meet their own utilization goals.
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Eligibility Requirements
As a certified Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise you:
- Must have at least 51% of your business be owned by one or more disabled Army, Navy, or Air Force veterans with a service-related disability of at least 10%.
- Must have daily operations managed and controlled by one or more disabled veterans.
- Must have your home office located in the United States.
- Must have your owner(s) be a California resident.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification Benefits
As a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise you:
- Expand your opportunities for participating in Federally funded projects.
- Are listed in the official California Unified Certification Program (CUCP) database used by prime contractors needing to meet DBE participation goal requirements.
- Are sought after by local agencies in California, other states, and private companies who are the recipients of Federal funds or are otherwise seeking to meet their own DBE utilization goals.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Eligibility Requirements
As a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise you:
- Must be at least 51% owned, or majority owned, by one or more social and economically disadvantaged individual(s).
- Must be a for-profit Small Business.
- Must have disadvantaged owner(s) whose personal net-worth does not exceed $1.32 million.
- Must have owner(s) claiming disadvantaged status possessing managerial and operational control of the business.
- Must have Disadvantaged owner(s) be either U.S. citizen(s) or permanent resident(s).
- Must have average annual gross receipts for the firm’s previous three fiscal years not exceeding $30.4 million.
For additional information on these certifications, or to start the application process, visit the following websites:
- Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services (OSDS)
- Cal eProcure
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
Additional Helpful Links
Caltrans Office of Civil Rights
California Department of General Services Office of Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services (OSDS)
Cal-eProcure, California’s State Government Marketplace
Caltrans Emergency Contractor Interest Registry
California State Small Business Advocate Directory
Caltrans North Region Calmentor Program
Caltrans State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)
Caltrans State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
North Region (Districts 1, 2, & 3) Calmentor Program
Accessibility Assistance
Caltrans makes every attempt to ensure our documents are accessible. Due to variances between assistive technologies, there may be portions of this document which are not accessible. Where documents cannot be made accessible, we are committed to providing alternative access to the content. Should you need additional assistance, please contact us at (916) 654-2852 or visit Request ADA compliant Documents.