Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 10: General Construction

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Published: July 2019

Section 10 General Construction

4-1001 General

Section 10, “General,” of the Standard Specifications includes the general requirements for construction work that applies to all projects unless otherwise specified.

4-1002 Before Work Begins

4-1002A Work Sequencing

Review Section 87-21, “Existing Electrical Systems,” of the Standard Specifications.

Verify that all signs, pavement delineation, and pavement markings are in place before starting the operation of a traffic management system that directly affects traffic.

If maintaining existing traffic management system elements during construction is shown on the bid item list:

  • Invite the Caltrans Traffic Operations electrical representative to the preconstruction meeting.
  • At the preconstruction meeting, discuss the requirements for system operational status check.
  • Conduct the preconstruction status check with the contractor and the Caltrans Traffic Operations electrical representatives.

Conduct a site visit and verify all the irrigation facilities are described in the contract. If an unspecified irrigation system is discovered, order the contractor to protect the system.

At the prepaving meeting, discuss the existing traffic stripes, pavement markings, and pavement markers within the project limits and the need for reference control points.

Require the contractor to submit reference control points 5 business days before obliterating existing surface traffic-related markings.

4-1002B Water Usage

When Caltrans or any local water authority mandates water rationing because of water shortage:

  • Notify the contractor of the water usage constraints.
  • Review the contractor’s water conservation plans for compliance with Section 10-4, “Water Usage,” of the Standard Specifications.

4-1002C Watering

The contractor is responsible for developing a water supply, including any permits, and applying water.

Take these steps during preliminary inspection:

  • Determine the quality of the water to be used in products with specific water quality requirements.
  • Determine if the contractor intends to use chemical additives in water, and verify that the additives are appropriate for their use.
  • If the contract requires a mobile watering unit, make sure that one is available on the project at all times.
  • Check that all necessary watering equipment is the type specified.
  • Verify that the contractor has acquired all applicable permits.

4-1003 During the Course of Work

4-1003A Work Sequencing

If maintaining existing traffic management system elements during construction is not shown on the bid item list and an existing system is discovered during construction, conduct the system operational status check with the contractor and Caltrans’ traffic operations electrical representative.

Before contract acceptance, conduct the postconstruction status check of all traffic management system elements identified within the project, with the contractor and Caltrans’ traffic operations electrical representatives.

If an unspecified irrigation system is discovered during the work, require the contractor to protect the system.

Conduct field inspections to verify that the traffic stripes, pavement markings, and pavement markers are removed according to plan.

Conduct field inspections to verify the contractor is in compliance with Section 10-1.02E, “Excavation,” of the Standard Specifications.

4-1003B Water Usage

Verify the contractor is in compliance with their water conservation plan.

4-1003C Dust Control

Verify the contractor is in compliance with Sections 13-4.03C(3), “Stockpile Management”; 13-5, “Temporary Soil Stabilization”; and 18, “Dust Palliatives,” of the Standard Specifications. Refer to Sections 4-18, "Dust Palliatives," and 7-104A (2), “Dust Control,” of this manual for additional information.

4-1003D Watering

Determine whether the developed water supply is sufficient for the project and is adequate for dust control.

  • If the contractor uses a fire hydrant, verify that arrangements have been made with the local water utility company. Verify that the contractor has obtained a permit for the use of the hydrant.

4-1004 Payment

The operational status check for a traffic management system element discovered during construction is paid as change order work if:

  • The existing system element is not identified in the information handout.
  • Maintaining existing traffic management system elements during construction is not shown on the bid item list.

Once the water supply is developed and the project’s needs are met, authorize progress payment for 100 percent of the item, subject to limiting pay clauses. When determining percentages for partial payments, consider work possibly required in future stages. Payment for applying water is included in other items.