Construction Manual
The Construction Manual contains policies and procedures related to the duties of Caltrans Division of Construction personnel, is for information only, and is intended as a resource for personnel engaged in contract administration.
Be alert for new or revised specifications that may affect the current manual guidance for contract administration. As specifications, practices, procedures, and policies change, the Division of Construction will issue updated Construction Manual sections. The dates in the right-hand column of the list of sections reflect the publication date of the most recent revision.
Revisions will be made to the manual and announced in a Manual Change Transmittal (MCT). MCTs provide a summary of manual changes followed by the updated section with lines in the margin to indicate changes. When MCTs are issued, the updated sections will be added to the Construction Manual full download as soon as possible. Section footer dates are also changed to match the month the MCT was issued.
Construction Procedure Directive (CPD) memorandums also are issued to clarify information already contained in the manual, introduce a process change, remind readers of existing policy, announce a new form, or inform the reader of a change in address or contact.
We encourage use of the online version of the full manual or individual sections for the most current Division of Construction guidance and electronic search capabilities. Individual sections or the complete download can be printed. It is the manual holder's responsibility to use the most recent editions.
Please sign up at Construction-Manual-Updates-Announcement list serve if you would like to receive email alerts when updated sections, MCTs, construction procedure directives, and forms are posted online.
Construction Manual Combined Sections 2024 Edition (PDF)
If you have any questions about the Construction Manual, please contact:
Construction Manual Chapters
Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization
Chapter 2 - Safety and Traffic
Chapter 3 - General Provisions
Chapter 4 - Construction Details
Chapter 5 - Contract Administration
Chapter 6 - Sampling and Testing
Chapter 7 - Environmental Stewardship
Chapter 8 - Employment Practices
Chapter 9 - Projects Sponsored by Others