Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section16: Temporary Facilities

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Published: July 2019

Section 16 Temporary Facilities

4-1601 General

This section provides guidelines for inspecting temporary facilities for work specified under Section 16, “Temporary Facilities,” of the Standard Specifications. The specification includes Sections 16-2.02, “Temporary Pedestrian Facilities”; 16-2.03, “Temporary High-Visibility Fences”; 16-2.04, “Temporary Construction Mats”; and 16-2.05, “Job Site Water Control.”

The contractor may make use of used materials for temporary facilities if the used materials comply with the specifications for new materials.

4-1602 Before Work Begins

All temporary facilities must be well maintained as long as they are needed and disposed of when they are no longer needed.

4-1602A Temporary Pedestrian Facilities

Review Section 12-4.04, “Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes” of the Standard Specifications.

Verify that temporary pedestrian facilities are in compliance with California MUTCD, Part 6, Chapter 6D, “Pedestrian and Worker Safety.”

Ensure that lighting is in compliance with the specifications for falsework lighting in Section 48, “Temporary Structures,” of the Standard Specifications.

Request shop drawings and supporting calculations for temporary pedestrian facilities designed by the contractor. Verify shop drawings and calculations are signed by an engineer who is a California-licensed civil engineer.

4-1602B High-Visibility Fences

Check that high-visibility fence is shown on the bid item list as a temporary fence (Type ESA).

Upon delivery of the materials to the job site, check that certificates of compliance are submitted for high-visibility fabric. All other fencing materials must be field inspected and released by the engineer. Refer to Section 6-202, “Responsibilities for Acceptance of Manufactured or Fabricated Materials and Products,” of this manual for additional information.

Arrange for necessary control staking when the contractor has submitted the required survey request.

Fences should not obstruct flow in streams or drainage areas.

4-1602C Temporary Construction Mats

Check that temporary construction mat is shown on the bid item list as a temporary wetland protection mat.

The contractor must submit a schedule for the placement and removal of the mats. Include the location, mat type, and placement and removal dates for each location. Describe the method of installing and removing the mats.

4-1603 During the Course of Work

4-1603A Temporary Pedestrian Facilities

Verify that the pedestrian facility is surfaced with asphalt concrete, commercial-quality concrete, or wood. The surface must be firm, skid resistant and free of irregularities.

Check that handrails are provided on each side of a temporary pedestrian facility as necessary to protect pedestrian traffic from hazards due to work activities or adjacent vehicular traffic.

Verify the minimum width between the inside face of the handrails and the clear height of the facility meet the contract requirements. Ensure adequate lighting is provided at all times.

Verify overhead protection for pedestrians extends at least 4 feet beyond the edge of the bridge deck and all pedestrian openings through falsework are illuminated.

4-1603B High-Visibility Fences

Observe the placing of fence posts. Also, measure the spacing of posts and measure the depth of holes to verify placement to proper depths. Note such measurements in the daily report. Spacing should not exceed the spacing specified or shown on the plans.

Decide on which side of the posts the contractor should place fabric when the side is not specified.

Inspect the fastening of fabric to wood posts with nails or to steel posts with tie wires or locking plastic fasteners at a maximum spacing of 8 inches.

Check that the contractor is maintaining posts in a vertical position, reattaching any detached fabric and replacing any damaged fabric.

4-1603C Temporary Construction Mats

Inspect that mats provide a continuous cover over the wetlands and openings around any columns or other obstacles are sealed.

Inspect that mats are free from soil, seeds, or other organic or hazardous material before entering the work area.

Inspect the mats and immediately inform the contractor to replace or repair damaged or broken mats.

When no longer needed, confirm that mats are moved to a washout location and cleaned before they are removed from the job site.

4-1604 Level of Inspection

Suggested levels of inspection for work activities included in temporary facilities are:

  • Benchmark inspection of temporary facilities locations and alignments.
  • Intermittent inspection during placement of temporary facilities.
  • Benchmark inspection to assure temporary facilities are properly maintained.
  • Benchmark inspection to check that the proper disposal of temporary facilities when they are no longer needed.

4-1605 Quality Control

While specific levels of quality control sampling and testing for temporary facilities are not included in Section 16, “Temporary Facilities,” of the Standard Specifications, the contractor is responsible for providing quality control under Sections 5-1.01, “General,” and 6-2.02, “Quality Control,” of the Standard Specifications.

4-1606 Payment

For the basis of measurement and payment, refer to the appropriate sections of the special provisions and Standard Specifications. Make partial payments to account for placement, maintenance, and removal of various items under Temporary Facilities.