Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 18: Dust Palliatives

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Published: July 2019

Section 18 Dust Palliatives

4-1801 General

Dust palliatives are used to stabilize soil and aggregates to control dust during construction as required in Sections 7-1.03, “Public Convenience,” and 10-4, “Water Usage,” of the Standard Specifications. Dust palliatives include water, dust suppressants, and dust control binders as provided in Section 18, “Dust Palliatives,” of the Standard Specifications.

4-1802 Before Work Begins

Identify construction activities that will require use of dust palliatives. Typical construction activities that require dust control are:

  • Clearing, excavation, and grading
  • Use of unpaved roads and staging areas
  • Demolition of concrete facilities
  • Stockpiles
  • Aggregate and soil loading and unloading

If a dust suppressant or dust control binder is to be used, verify that the contractor submits a dust treatment plan before start of job site activities. Review the dust treatment plan for application methods and rates, required weather conditions for application, and drying or curing time. Also review the manufacturer's instructions.

4-1803 During the Course of Work

During the course of construction, make sure that:

  • Dust suppressant is applied to temporary haul roads; staging, material storage, and layout areas; compacted soil, aggregate base roads, or driveways; and paved surfaces and other areas identified in the project specifications.
  • Dust control binder is applied to rough-graded soils, completed slopes, and stockpiles, unless another practice is used.
  • Dust suppressant or dust control binder is not applied to areas within 100 feet of a wetland or body of water.

4-1804 Level of Inspection

Suggested level of inspection for typical work requiring application of dust palliatives for dust control are:

  • Continuous inspection during initial application of dust suppressant or dust control binder to verify application equipment and application rates. Verify adequate cure of dust suppressant before opening treated areas to traffic.
  • Intermittent inspection to monitor construction activities that require dust palliatives: daily when water is used, weekly when a dust suppressant or dust control binder is used.

4-1805 Quality Control

For dust suppressant, verify test results listed on the certificate of compliance are in compliance with specified values for quality characteristic requirements and environmental requirements.

4-1806 Payment

The resident engineer must keep sufficiently detailed records to differentiate and support payment for ordered dust control versus contract bid item work while also excluding portions for which payment is included in the bid items involved. Record verbal agreements about payment in the daily report.