Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 15: Existing Facilities

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Published: July 2019

Section 15 Existing Facilities

4-1501      General

The information in this section corresponds to Section 15, “Existing Facilities” of the Standard Specifications. The following sections of the Standard Specifications have related information:

  • Section 5-1.36, “Property and Facility Preservation”
  • Section 7-1.05, “Indemnification”
  • Section 7-1.06, “Insurance”

The work described in this section includes abandoning, adjusting, modifying, obliterating, reconstructing, relaying, relocating, remodeling, removing, repairing, or resetting a facility. The work may overlap with the area that must be cleared and grubbed, as specified in Section 17-2, “Clearing and Grubbing,” of the Standard Specifications.

The contractor is required to protect all existing facilities, whether described in the contract or not, that are to remain in place, temporarily or permanently. When existing facilities are damaged as a result of the contractor’s operations, the contractor is responsible for repair or replacement. Caltrans is responsible for repair or replacement of existing facilities that are damaged by public traffic.

Check for cooperative agreements where existing facilities transition onto local agency right-of-way. A local agency may maintain the existing facilities.

4-1502      Before Work Begins

Before work begins, do the following:

  • Inspect existing facilities that are to be relaid, reset, relocated, or reconstructed. If their condition has deteriorated sufficiently to prevent the planned use, write a change order to provide for new materials.
  • When facilities to be removed belong to a city, county, or other agency, check with the applicable agency before disturbing the facility.
  • The district Maintenance Unit maintains existing signals and lights. Keep the maintenance region manager informed of specific needs or changes.
  • Document existing conditions with photographs or video.

4-1503      During the Course of Work

During the work, take the following steps for removing concrete and salvaging materials.

4-1503A   Removing Concrete

Observe concrete removal to make sure the work complies with contract requirements. Pay particular attention to items that can be observed only during the work. These items include the following:

  • Removal to the specified minimum depth below finished grade. Record your observations in the daily report and note that the minimum depth requirements have been met.
  • Disposal into adjacent embankments. Refer to Section 19-6, “Embankment Construction,” of the Standard Specifications. Note that both lateral and vertical limitations are met. Include disposal locations on the as-built plans.
  • Breakage of floors of concrete basements, pits, and structures to prevent entrapment of water. Note the inspections in the daily report.

4-1503B   Salvaging Materials

During salvage operations, the contractor is responsible for any loss or damage. Keep accurate records of inventory to verify that all materials to be salvaged are delivered in suitable condition to the specified location. For additional guidelines for handling materials to be salvaged, refer to Section 3-4, “Scope of Work,” of this manual.

4-1504      Level of Inspection

The suggested level of inspection for work activities associated with existing facilities, including removing concrete and salvaging materials, is intermittent inspection.

4-1505      Payment

The resident engineer must be familiar with the measurement and payment clauses for existing facilities that are to be removed. Determine whether the necessary measurements must be taken before or during removal.