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- 03-03-25 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated the SER Volume 1, Chapter 8 - Paleontology. Updates were made throughout the chapter to reflect the most recent paleontology guidance and regulations.
- 02-24-25 The Office of Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise & Paleontology has created three new templates for paleontological resources. The Paleontological Identification Report, Paleontological Evaluation Report, and the Paleontological Identification Report/Paleontological Evaluation Report can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. Updates to Volume 1, Chapter 8 – Paleontology will be coming soon.
In addition, the SER Forms and Templates page has been reorganized to allow for easier navigation.
- 01-02-25 The NEPA Assignment Office has updated the Internal Quality Certification Form to identify the requirements for Individual Section 4(f) Evaluations and the FHWA Conformity Determination. The Internal Quality Certification Form has been updated to capture QA/QC findings encountered in our 2024 Desktop reviews.