NALB Resources
Sustainable Communities Planning Grants
This funding opportunity encourages local and regional planning that furthers state goals, including the goals and best practices cited in the Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines adopted by the California Transportation Commission. Caltrans utilizes the federal Section 202(a)(9) process to transfer Sustainable Communities grant funds to Native American Tribal Governments.
Clean California Local Grant Program (CCLGP)
Caltrans developed the Clean California Local Grant Program as part of a two-year program through which approximately $296 million in funds goes to local communities to beautify and improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers to clean and enhance public spaces.
Active Transportation Planning Grant (ATP)
The Active Transportation Program is a statewide competitive grant program created to encourage increased used of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. ATP provides $100 million in SB1 funds annually in 2-year cycles.
California Grants Portal
A website that hosts information on competitive grants offered by different state agencies. I believe it is also possible to receive e-mail updates on grant opportunities in specific categories.
Highway Safety Investment Program (HSIP)
HSIP is a comprehensive effort to reduce the number and severity of collisions on the State's highway system by implementing safety improvements to existing roadways. The program includes projects at spot locations where collision history indicates a pattern susceptible to correction by a safety improvement, and system-wide improvements involving highway elements associated with collision frequency or severity.
- Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF): A competitive grant program administered by the Federal Highway Administration to address safety issues. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provides the largest funding ever in the history of the TTP, including the safety fund, by increasing the total authorized from $2.4 billion under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act to $3 billion for Fiscal Years 2022-2026.
- Director’s Policy 19: Working with Native American Communities
- Deputy Directive 74R2: Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance
- Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-15-19 and Governor Brown’s Executive Order B-10-11
- State Agencies and departments must communicate and consult with Tribes and allow for meaningful input on matters that may affect Tribal communities
- CalSTA Tribal Consultation Policy
- Five guiding principles to promote tribal cooperation and consultation
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Education
- Process
- Timely notice
- 23 CFR 450.208 Coordination of Planning Process Activities
- (a) In carrying out the statewide transportation planning process, each State shall, at a minimum consider the concerns of Indian Tribal governments that have jurisdiction over land within the boundaries of the State · US Presidential Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to Nation Relationships.
Other Transportation Guidance
California Transportation Plan 2050 (CTP 2050)
The California Transportation Plan 2050 (CTP 2050) is a long-range plan required by federal and state law. It provides a common framework for guiding transportation decisions and investments by all levels of government and the private sector.
2021 Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan (ITSP)
The Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan (ITSP) is a statewide planning document that provides guidance and prioritization through interregional corridor analysis for projects focused on improving travel access for people and goods on the State’s Interregional Transportation System in a safe, equitable, sustainable, multi-modal manner.
California Freight Mobility Plan 2023 (CFMP 2023)
CFMP 2023 is a comprehensive plan that governs the immediate and long-range planning activities and capital investments by the state with respect to freight movement, providing a long-term vision for California’s freight future.
Caltrans Active Transportation (CAT) Plans
Caltrans’ districts develop district-level plans to identify bicycle and pedestrian needs and priority projects on or parallel to and across the state highway system, focusing on removing barriers, closing gaps, and building complete, comfortable networks.
FHWA Tribal Transportation Planning Resources and Guidance
The FHWA provides multiple resources and guidance for transportation planning, public involvement, environment, Tribal Transportation Program Planning Guidance, maps and data, and funding.
State Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
The SHSP is a statewide data-driven traffic safety plan that coordinates the efforts of a wide range of organizations to reduce traffic accident fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. The SHSP establishes goals, objectives, and challenge areas in coordination with federal, state, local, and private sector safety stakeholders.
Tribal Transportation Safety Plans
Transportation Safety Plans are a tool used by Tribes to identify and address transportation risk factors that could lead to serious injury or death. Safety Plans can cover multiple transportation modes and may lead to the implementation of a project or program, renewed efforts on an existing program, or the study of a roadway section. The Safety Plan should demonstrate safety concerns in a community and prioritize strategies to implement the plan.
Tribal Transportation Safety Assessment (TTSA)
The TTSA project provided California Native American Tribal Governments with expert, focused, and independent assessments. The goal of the TTSA project is to reduce injuries and fatalities on all roadways that serve California Native American reservations and Rancherias, as well as roadways accessing their tribal lands, by conducting a TTSA for selected Tribal governments. The assessments consisted of a two-day site visit, including a public participation meeting and field audit conducted by consultant experts. A technical report consisting of analysis, summary findings, possible suggestions for improvements, and potential sources of funding considered for improvements was submitted to participating tribes. Technical assistance services and reports provided by this project could help tribes identify potential sources of funding to make the improvements suggested in their reports and help provide the justifications to use in future grant applications.
Tribal Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS)
U.C. Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) collaborates with the National Indian Justice Center to enhance the capacity of tribal entities to collect and submit crash data to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Record System (SWITRS) and use SWITRS data to conduct traffic analyses on tribal lands. SafeTREC developed the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), a tribal crash data tool using shape files from federally recognized tribes overlaid with geocoded collision data to generate a description of traffic collisions. This data tool provides tribes with access to a web-based interactive analysis and mapping tool for entering collision data, a function for submitting crash data to SWITRS, and features for mapping and analyses of data related to the tribal area.
Road Safety Audit (RSA)
A Road Safety Audit is a formal evaluation of a roadway segment by an independent, multi-disciplinary team to identify specific safety recommendations. Tribal Governments may utilize RSA to assist with determining roadway deficiencies, maintenance issues, planning for future work that benefits transportation safety, and demonstrating safety needs to funding agencies.