LAPG 25-A |
11/2024 |
- "Agency" field now allows for manual input without adding "City of"
"Project Title" field added
Allocation Request "Justification" field added
Salutation on generated letter changed to “Caltrans District ## DLAE”
"Remaining Balance" column added for Time Extension Requests
"Award" and "Completion" milestones added for Time Extension Requests
LAPM 3-A |
10/2024 |
- Congressional District dropdown selections updated; ability to type in manual entry added
- Functional Classification dropdown selections updated
- “Located on NHS” checkbox option added
- Projects of Division Interest (PODI) references removed
- Column added to capture Advance Construction Funds
- Construction Engineering percentage calculation now based on participating amounts rather than Item Cost
- Updated the Project Documents required when “State Administered” is selected.
- Instructions updated
LAPM 16-C1/LAPM 16-C2 |
10/2023 |
Replaces Exhibit 16-C: Resident and Assistant Engineer's Daily Report
LAPM 9-B |
10/2023 |
Replaces Exhibit 9-B: Local Agency DBE Annual Submittal Form |
LAPM 16-A |
10/2023 |
Replaces Exhibit 16-A: Weekly Statement of Working Days |
LAPM 5-A |
09/2023 |
Rows have been added to accommodate projects that have both federal and state funds. For a project with both federal and state funds, an agency will be able to seek reimbursement for both types in the same column by entering both a state reimbursement percentage and a federal reimbursement percentage. Additional rows will be added to separate the federal and state amount that is reimbursed, as well as help track previous reimbursement amounts and remaining funds. Other updates include adding a Project End Date, revisions to the Section 4 Checklist, and minor text edits to the Instructions. |
LAPM 9-K |
05/2023 |
New Form: DBE Joint Check Agreement Request |
LAPM 9-J |
05/2023 |
New Form: DBE Commercially Useful Function |
LAPM 14-D/14-D-REV |
01/2023 |
Language added that these documents constitute a Written Agreement required by regulation. |
LAPM 9-I |
01/2023 |
New Form: DBE Confirmation |
LAPG 25-A |
07/2022 |
- Additional FY’s have been added to the Programmed Funds FY drop-down, as well as a blank option.
- CON and CON-NI are no longer allowed to be allocated using the same form. They cannot be selected at the same time.
- STIP Rideshare no longer exists and has been removed from the form.
- References to ES&P/PA&ED/PE will now be listed simply as PA&ED
- The Environmental Clearance and ATP Interim Count Guidance sections were missing when CON-NI was selected. This has been fixed.
- A CON-NI column has been added in the “Required Documents for Submittal” table.
- Title blocks on the Allocation Request Form were disappearing after saving and reopening the file. This has been fixed.
- Minor text corrections.
LAPM 16-B |
01/2022 |
Exhibit 16-B: Subcontracting Request updated/migrated to CEFS and replaced by LAPM 16-B. |
LAPM 16-N |
01/2022 |
Exhibit 16-N: Employee Interview: Labor Compliance/EEO updated/migrated to CEFS and replaced by LAPM 16-N
01/2022 |
Exhibit 16-P: Spanish version of 16-N updated/migrated to CEFS and replaced by LAPM 16-N ESP
LAPM 3-A |
01/2022 |
- The Invoking At-Risk PE section now has an Estimated End Date field as identified in LPP 21-01
- Previously the LAPM 3-A only had one row of “Previous Authorization” that lumped all previous authorization per phase under one row. This release allows local agencies to clearly input previous authorizations with more than one program code or funding type. The new enhancement allows projects with previous authorizations of multiple program codes to add separate rows of previous authorizations, and it allows modification to the specific program code with a fillable line underneath the “PREV AUTH” line.
- Minor bug fix
LAPM 3-A |
05/2021 |
- Expanded language in the List of Utilities section as identified in LPP 20-01 with a checkbox added to indicate Local Public Agency’s acknowledgement of their obligations when seeking federal reimbursement.
- Minor bug fixes
- Office Bulletin #20-03: At-Risk PE; definition for “At-Risk PE” added and new section added for Invoking Section 1440 of the FAST Act.
- Spacing increased to accommodate 7-digits in “Qty.” field
09/2020 |
- Office Bulletin #20-03: At-Risk PE; instructions updated for Participating Cost Form
- The inability to save the PA&ED billing summary fixed
- The inability to uncheck boxes in the Authorized Phase(s) section fixed
LAPM 14-D / 14-D-REV