Highway System Information and Performance
The Office of Highway System Information and Performance collects, manages, and maintains the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) and Transportation System Network (TSN) data systems. OHSIP provides transportation data from HPMS and TSN to state and federal legislators, the Governor’s office, and FHWA for determining transportation funding for California Highway System and meeting federal mandates.
HPMS and TSN data also enable decision makers and system users to take advantage of quality transportation information to make performance-based decisions about transportation services, infrastructure, and highway safety improvement projects.
- Maintain and manage public roads functional classification and designation approvals processes
- Coordinate with Caltrans Legislative Affairs to update and manage state roadways, structures, and appurtenances official names
- Collaborate with FHWA and Local Agencies to adjust Census designated urban boundaries
- Manage and maintain the official California Road System (CRS) maps
- Manage and maintain the Federally mandated Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) condition and performance data
- Officially certify the annual Maintained Mileage Report of public road mileage for the State
- Collect and maintain State Highway System roadway inventory data as part of the Transportation System Network (TSN) application
- Collect and process State Highway System related crash data as part of the TSN application
- Lead the Transportation System Network Replacement (TSNR) and Model Inventory Roadway Elements (MIRE) data collection projects
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)
The Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) is a federally mandated inventory system and planning tool, designed by FHWA to assess the nation's highway system. HPMS was created in 1978 as a continuing, sample-based monitoring program that requires annual data reporting instead of biennial special studies. The HPMS Branch provides information to State and Federal Legislators necessary to ensure the connectivity, integrity, continuity, and functionality of the highway system and of the California Road System (CRS). We provide data to the Governor's office, the State Legislators, and the Federal Highway Administration in order to secure transportation funding for California's highways. Accurate, complete, and reliable information is provided to decision makers in the Federal Government, State Legislature, the Governor's office, and to other government agencies. We maintain the connectivity, functionality, integrity, numbering system, and naming of the State Highway System. We assist in meeting Federal funding requirements. We work towards the safe, expeditious, and efficient transportation of goods, services, and the traveling public across, through, and within California. Caltrans improves mobility across California using our data.
- Functional Classification
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) identifies functional classification as a key item in transportation data. Streets and highways are grouped into classes according to the service they provide. The California Road System (CRS maps) on this web site display functional classification which is used in determining Federal funding to maintain the roads. The FHWA stamp of approval is in the lower left corner of each CRS map (PDF), which makes it the official functional classification.
- California Road System (CRS) Maps
The California Road System (CRS) maps display functional classification which is used in determining Federal funding to maintain the roads. The FHWA stamp of approval is on the lower left corner of each CRS map, which makes the functional classification official.
- National Highway System (NHS)
The NHS consists of roadways important to the nation’s economy, defense, and mobility.
- Adjusted Urban Areas
Federal transportation legislation allows for the expansion of the Census‐defined urban areas for transportation planning purposes. The adjustment process is completed through the cooperative efforts of State and local officials and approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Adjusted Urban Area Maps are the result of this process.
- California Public Road Data
The publications, California Public Road Data, contain statistical information derived from the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis System (TASAS)
The TASAS Branch maintains the highway inventory database as part of the Transportation System Network application, which contains the current and historical description of over 15,000 ramps, 17,000 intersections and 15,000 miles of highways in the State Highway System (SHS). The inventory data (e.g. district, county, route, postmile, number of lanes, geometric attributes of lanes, shoulders, medians, intersections and ramps) are being continuously maintained and updated on a daily basis. Combining the highway inventory with crash data allows the Department
to generate reports that identify locations with significantly high crash concentrations for further safety analysis and investigation.
The TASAS Branch also maintain and provide highway system engineering data to State and Federal Legislators necessary to ensure the connectivity, integrity, continuity, and functionality of the SHS and of the California Road System (CRS). We provide also data to the Governor's office, the State Legislators, and the Federal Highway Administration in order to secure transportation funding for California's highways.
Place Names in California Publication (PDF)
The name report is prepared as a ready reference to places shown on the California System (CRS) maps.
This document may no longer be published in the future. Please help us understand user needs by taking the Place Names Publication Survey.
- 2021 Named Freeways Publication (PDF)
Named Freeways, Highways, Structures and Other Appurtenances in California are shown in the Name Freeway Publication as a reference to the many named facilities that are part of the California State Highway System. This publication provides information on officially named freeways; highways; structures such as bridges, tunnels, and interchanges; Blue Star Memorial Highways; Safety Roadside Rest Areas; and memorial plaques.
- 2013 Traversable Highway Publication (PDF)
Traversable Highway report provides a listing and status of all traversable highways, which are routes that have been adopted by Legislation as future State Highway Route, but not yet by California Transportation Commission (CTC). These routes when constructed to the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) standards, CTC shall adopt them as State Highways and Caltrans must maintain them.
Crash Coding and Data Analysis Branch
The Crash Coding and Data Analysis Branch coordinates with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and Caltrans IT to collect and process crash on or associated with a State highway facility. The unit performs location coding and sequence of event coding for crashes delivered to Caltrans by CHP and local law enforcement agencies. The unit also analyzes and provides crash data and crash rate reports to support the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and other programs across the department. The Crash Coding and Data Analysis Branch perform redaction of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on Traffic Crash Reports.
What We Do
Annual Crash Data on California State Highways
This report presents annual crash data on California State Highways and which is summarized by urban, rural, and district-wide or county-wide according to the following categories: lane type, road miles travel, crashes, victims, rates, and fatalities. Additional data include trend data, data by district, basic average crash rates, crash data by date or hour, and by type of crash. -
Code location postmile and sequence of events (crash event as it occurred from start to end) for all crashes as documented in Traffic Crash Reports (TCRs) occurring on California State Highway System as provided by California Highway Patrol (CHP).
- Coordinate with Caltrans Legislative Affairs to update and manage state roadways, structures, and appurtenances official names.
- Collect and process State Highway System roadway inventory data and crash data.
- Maintain the Transportation System Network (TSN) / Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis System (TASAS) database.
- Coordinate with Inventory to manage and update Highway Sequence Listing (HSL) postmiles for highways, intersections, and ramps.
- Review and process Crash Coding Unit Requests (via [ccu.requests@dot.ca.gov](mailto:ccu.requests@dot.ca.gov)).
- Provide crash data upon request (via [crash.requests@dot.ca.gov](mailto:crash.requests@dot.ca.gov) ).
- Compile and produce various data reports, including TSARs and Table B.
- Manage Crash Data “Good up to“ completion dates within Transportation System Network (TSN) Accident Database (AXDB).
- Oversee PII (Personally Identifiable Information) Redaction Project (PRP) workflows.
- Review and authorize Document Retrieval System (DRS) account submissions statewide.
- Produce Annual Crash Data on California State Highway System Publication for including statewide, district, county crash totals, along with fatal and injury rate/percentage/trend.
Model Inventory Roadway Elements (MIRE) Program
MAP-21 required the Secretary to establish a subset of the MIRE and ensure that States adopt and use the subset for improved data collection [23 U.S.C. 148(f)(2)]. The HSIP Final Rule updates the HSIP requirements under 23 CFR Part 924 to be consistent with MAP-21 and the FAST Act, and clarifies existing program requirements. Specifically, the HSIP Final Rule defines the subset of the MIRE, known as the fundamental data elements (FDEs) and States must collect and use the MIRE FDE on all public roads to support enhanced safety analysis and safety investment decision-making.
MIRE is a recommended listing of roadway characteristics and traffic inventory elements critical to safety management. The MIRE FDE is comprised of 37 data elements. The FDEs are categorized by roadway functional classification and surface type and include three categories for roadway segments, one each for non-local paved roads, local paved roads, and unpaved roads.
The regulation also requires that States have access to complete collection of the MIRE FDE elements for all public roads by September 30, 2026.
More information about the MIRE program can be found in the following webpages.
Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) and MIRE Fundamental Data Elements (FDE)
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Related Links
FHWA's HPMS Field Manual (2016) The HPMS Field Manual is a valuable resource for the states that provides a comprehensive overview of the program and describes in detail the data collection and reporting requirements for HPMS.
FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information Information and resources on the Highway Performance Monitoring System and data for all states including:
Aaron Truong | Office Chief, Highway System Information & Performance
Benson Liang | Branch Chief, Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis System
Andrew Campros | Branch Chief, Crash Coding and Data Analysis
Ryan Mak | MIRE Program Lead, Highway System Information and Performance