Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety

- News Release 10/12/20: Caltrans Highlights Efforts to Reduce Pedestrian Injury and Death in Recognition of National Pedestrian Safety Month
- State Highway Pedestrian Exposure Estimates
- 2018 Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program (CPBST) Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Pedestrian Injuries in California 2007-2013 (PDF)
- TRB Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Summary of the UTCs Conference, Dec 2016 (PDF)
- Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program (CPBST) (PDF)
- Provide expertise on safety and mobility aspects of pedestrian and bicycle modes.
- Participate in research and technology transfer in the field of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
- Develop programs to improve the safety of highway infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Pedestrian Safety Resources
- Caltrans Pedestrian Safety Countermeasures Toolbox, June 2019 (PDF)
- State Highway Pedestrian Exposure Estimate
- 2018 Pilot Bicyclist Collision Monitoring Program Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Pedestrian Injuries in California 2007-2013 (PDF)
- TRB Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Summary of the UTCs Conference, Dec 2016 (PDF)
- 2016 Pilot Pedestrian Collision Monitoring Program Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program (CPBST) (PDF)
- Complete Intersections: A Guide to Reconstructing Intersections and Interchanges for Bicyclists and Pedestrians (PDF)
- Complete Intersection Brochure (PDF)
- Deputy Directive 64-R2 (PDF) - October 2014
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities in California: A Technical Reference and Technology Transfer Synthesis for Caltrans Planners and Engineers (PDF) - July 2005
- California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking, (PDF) - May 2002
Highway Design Manual (HDM):
- Sections relating to pedestrians are Ch 100 (Topics 105), Ch 200 (Topic 208), Ch 300 (Topics 302, 303, 305), and Ch 400 (Topics 401, 403, 405)
- Chapter relating to bicyclists is Ch 1000 - Bicycle Transportation Design
- California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD): Sections relating to pedestrians are Parts 2B, 2C, 3B, and 4
- California Vehicle Code (CVC): Sections relating to pedestrian rights and duties are 21949-21979. This link will direct you to the table of contents for the CVC; once there you can click on the section of interest.
- Caltrans Bike Heart logo courtesy of Cameron Palm (District 12 System Planning, Travel Forecasting)