Transportation Permits Manual
The Transportation Permits Manual (TPM) is currently being revised. The revised manual will incorporate all approved Transportation Permit Policy Memorandums (TPPM). Changes will reflect the reorganization of the Office of Commercial Vehicle Operations and the consolidation of the north and south Transportation Permits Issuance Branches into a single branch located in Sacramento. The revised chapters will be made available online below. The goal of the TPM is to provide a single reference source for Caltrans policies and procedures in the issuance of transportation permits. Implementation of the current version of each chapter shall be applied to all forthcoming transportation permits.
Caltrans encourages manual users to use the online version of the TPM as the latest official version. If a paper copy is maintained by the manual user, it is the responsibility of the manual user to maintain and incorporate the latest manual updates to ensure proper reference to the latest policies and procedures.
Transportation Permits Manual (TPM) Changes
Transportation Permits Links
- Transportation Permits - Home
- CTPS (Previously known as STARS2)
- Route Clearing Database - CalRoute
- Application Forms & Accompaniments
- How To Apply For Transportation Permits
- Vehicle Inspection Report
- Transportation Permits Manual
- Extralegal Weight Charts
- Single Trip Pilot Car Maps
- Annual Pilot Car Maps
- Red Route Summary Table (XLSX)
- Construction Liaisons
Permits Issuance Branch
1120 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814
Main Phone: (916) 322-1297
Annual/Repetitive Fax: (916) 445-0469
Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri
(Closed on State Holidays)
Holiday Info:
Special Conditions for Holiday Travel (PDF)
State Holiday Info
After-Hours Permit Emergencies:
Emergency Permit Procedures