I-15 Pavement Replacement in Escondido and Unincorporated San Diego County
This project will extend the service life of this section of I-15 by replacing aged pavement. The result will provide all motorists with a smoother ride, support efficient goods movement, and reduce future maintenance and construction efforts. By doing so, safety will improve for both motorists and highway workers alike.
Extending the service life
The I-15 Pavement Replacement Project will replace pavement between State Route 78 in the City of Escondido and Deer Springs Road an unincorporated area of San Diego County. The pavement replacement includes new concrete for the outside Number 4 lanes and shoulders, replacement of individual concrete slabs in the Number 3 lanes, and new asphalt segments for the inside shoulder in both directions. This latest replacement will significantly extend the service life of the pavement.
Improving the freeway
The project will construct Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) in the Number 4 outside lane and shoulder, providing a superior, long-lasting roadway to reduce maintenance and construction efforts in the future, thereby reducing impacts to the traveling public and exposure for highway workers. Construction began February 2023 and is expected to be completed by Summer 2025. At the conclusion of the work motorists will see and feel an improvement in ride quality and benefit from the extension of the service life of the roadway.
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) is constructed with steel reinforcing bars placed within the concrete along the entire length of the pavement. CRCP naturally forms tight transverse cracks to evenly transfer loads.
The result is a continuous, smooth-riding surface capable of withstanding the heaviest traffic loads and the most adverse environmental conditions. The lifespan for CRCP pavement is expected to be at least 40 years, far exceeding current road surfaces.
The project cost of $71,668,100 is funded entirely through the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) with $57,403,900 coming from the federal government and $14,264,200 from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account created under voter-approved Senate Bill 1 (SB 1).
What’s ahead?
Work to replace the outside number 4 lane and shoulder in the southbound direction from Deer Springs Road to State Route 78 commenced in February 2023. This southbound phase of the project was anticipated to take 8 months. Work was proceeding as expected until the contractor, Security Paving, began to experience issues with its concrete mix design. As the contractor has worked to resolve this issue, including the development of additional mix designs, this has created delays in moving the project forward.
Security Paving is a contractor working on many projects throughout the State of California. Caltrans and the Contractor are working collaboratively to resolve these issues. We appreciate and can sympathize with the public's desire to see this project completed and lanes reopened to traffic. However, our contractual specifications are performance-driven, and if the results do not conform, then the contractor is offered an opportunity to remedy the situation. Increased costs associated with that issue are borne by the Contractor.
2-miles of the southbound lane from Deer Springs to Center City Parkway reopened March 2024. This milestone marked a significant step forward, reducing the length of the closure before the entire distance is open. When this relief was provided in March 2024, we closed a short section of NB I-15 from SR-78 to Center City Parkway. These shorter closure lengths are anticipated to provide less delays than closing the entire 4-mile stretch.
Your patience, understanding, and cooperation throughout this project are greatly appreciated. We recognize the inconveniences caused and assure you that we remain dedicated to minimizing disruptions while ensuring the successful completion of the I-15 Pavement Rehabilitation project.
The average traffic volume within the 6-mile project limits is approximately 161,000 vehicles per day. Segments of I-15 will be reduced to 3 lanes during construction of CRCP for extended periods. CRCP construction will take place behind concrete barriers to expedite construction and protect construction crews, with delays expected. Some on-and off-ramps within the project limits may be closed for up to 56 hours, once or twice during the project duration. To minimize the impact of the daily commute consecutive ramps will not be closed at the same time.
Caltrans will continue to reach out to residents, businesses, schools, and community groups in the region. Our goal is to provide project updates, notification of possible impacts and a method to contact us with questions or concerns.
Safety to the traveling public, including safety and protection for highway workers, is priority number one for Caltrans.
The following safety features are included in the construction of this project
- Construction work zone speed limit reduction to 55 MPH
- Advanced warning traffic signs
- Reinforced concrete barrier that separates traffic from roadway workers and equipment
- California Highway Patrol and freeway service patrol, i.e., tow service to monitor the work zone daily
Public Affairs Manager
Stephen Welborn
To be added to our email list for notifications on this project please contact Mayra.Garcia@dot.ca.gov
- Carrol Canyon Support Wall and Road Repair Project
- Harbor Drive 2.0/Vesta Bridge Port Access Improvements
- I-15 Pavement Replacement
- I-5/SR 56 Interchange Project
- I-805 Governor Drive Auxiliary Lane and Bridge Improvement Project
- I-805/SR-15 Transit Only Connector and Managed Lanes Project
- I-805 South Pavement Rehabilitation and Asset Management Project
- Imperial Valley Pavement and Bridge Rehabilitation Improvements
- San Diego – Coronado Bay Bridge Suicide Deterrent Project
- SR-11 / Otay Mesa East Port of Entry
- SR-125 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
- SR-52 Operational Improvements Project
- SR-52 Pavement Improvement and Auxiliary Lane Project
- State Route 67 Corridor
- SR-78 Projects
- SR-94/125 Interchange Project
- SR-94/SR-188 Asset Management Project
Communications Manager
Stephen Welborn
(619) 688-6670
4050 Taylor Street
San Diego, CA 92110
Ph: (619) 688-6670