Imperial Valley Pavement and Bridge Rehabilitation Improvements
I-8 in Winterhaven and SR-78 at Palo Verde
This project will extend the service life of several bridges in Imperial County by replacing aged pavement surfaces, installing concrete railings, and other road-enhancing features. The result will give motorists a smoother ride, support efficient goods movement, reduce future maintenance and construction efforts, and ensure safe travels for all interstate motorists.
Work will be performed both day and night. Traveled lanes will be reduced to one moving motorists to the right lanes. Two to three full closures will be occurring as work progresses each month. In addition, lanes will be reduced from 12 feet to 10 feet. Additional concrete barriers will be placed along the construction project to improve safety for both motorists and highway workers.
Extending the service life
Construction crews will begin at the Brock Research Center Road overcrossing and continue to the 4th street Winterhaven overcrossing, with two additional locations in Palo Verde. The project will replace the surface bridge decks to ensure a smoother road surface and install new concrete railings to enhance safety further. New lane markings/striping will also be implemented.
Improving the bridge decks with Methacrylate
The project will utilize Methacrylate concrete sealer. The overlay material is designed to protect bridge decks and reduce long-term maintenance costs, reducing impacts on the traveling public and exposure for highway workers. In addition, new bridge railing will be installed to further enhance safety.
Phased Approach
This project will be split into two phases, beginning in March 2023 and lasting through February 2024.
Phase 1 Interstate 8 Spring – Summer 2023
Construction on the first phase will begin in March 2023 and is expected to be completed by September 2023. The eastbound I-8 will have full freeway closures at night with detours available. Caltrans PIO will alert the community to these closures.
Phase 2 SR-78 Palo Verde Summer 2023 – Spring 2024
The project’s second phase is scheduled to begin in September 2023 in Palo Verde on SR-78 and is expected to be completed in February 2024. This location will have one-way traffic control for the duration of the project.
The cost of this project is $13.2 million, with funding coming from voter-approved SB-1 funds.
What’s Ahead
The average traffic volume within the first stage of the project limits is approximately 18,789 vehicles per day. Segments of I-8 will be reduced to one lane with some full eastbound closures during the construction phase for extended periods. Phase 2 will have long-term one-way traffic control for the project’s duration. Construction will occur behind concrete barriers to expedite construction and protect construction crews, with expected delays. Some on-and off-ramps within the project limits may be closed during the project duration. To minimize the impact of the daily commute, consecutive ramps will not be closed simultaneously.
Caltrans will contact residents, local tribal communities, businesses, schools, and community groups in the region. Our goal is to provide project updates, notification of possible impacts, and a method to contact us with questions or concerns. At the conclusion of the work, motorists will see and feel an improvement in ride quality and benefit from the extension of the service life of the roadway.
Safety for the traveling public, including safety and protection for highway workers, is priority number one for Caltrans.
The following safety features are included in the construction of this project:
- Construction work zone speed limit reduction to 55 MPH
- Advanced warning traffic signs
- Reinforced concrete barrier that separates traffic from roadway workers and equipment
- California Highway Patrol will monitor the work zone daily
- Carrol Canyon Support Wall and Road Repair Project
- Harbor Drive 2.0/Vesta Bridge Port Access Improvements
- I-15 Pavement Replacement
- I-5/SR 56 Interchange Project
- I-805 Governor Drive Auxiliary Lane and Bridge Improvement Project
- I-805/SR-15 Transit Only Connector and Managed Lanes Project
- I-805 South Pavement Rehabilitation and Asset Management Project
- Imperial Valley Pavement and Bridge Rehabilitation Improvements
- San Diego – Coronado Bay Bridge Suicide Deterrent Project
- SR-11 / Otay Mesa East Port of Entry
- SR-125 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
- SR-52 Operational Improvements Project
- SR-52 Pavement Improvement and Auxiliary Lane Project
- State Route 67 Corridor
- SR-78 Projects
- SR-94/125 Interchange Project
- SR-94/SR-188 Asset Management Project