I-805 Governor Drive Auxiliary Lane and Bridge Improvement Project
Project Overview
The project will improve transportation operations in the area by adding one auxiliary lane in each direction on Interstate 805 at Governor Drive. Improvements also include the widening of the Governor Drive Bridge, on- and off-ramp modifications to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
Motorists on both northbound and southbound I-805 between State Route 52 and Nobel Drive currently experience recurrent congestion and daily traffic delays during peak travel periods, due to merging and diverging lane movements. The project is expected to reduce the delays and emissions by improving the flow of vehicles on I-805. These delays can be reduced by constructing auxiliary lanes, the reconstruction of the on- and off-ramps, gore areas and adjacent shoulders, as well as bridge widening of the existing Governor Drive Bridge.
The $42.9 million project is funded through the State Highway Fund, with $700,000 from SANDAG TransNet funding.
Construction began in February 2024 and has an estimated completion in the summer of 2025.
- Reduce travel times during peak periods.
- Improve traffic operations.
- Improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists on Governor Drive.
- Eliminate the trapped exit lanes at Governor Drive.
- Restore the roadway to a state of good repair.
- Extend the life of the Governor Drive Bridge and existing pavement.
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