Structure Technical Policies (STPs)

Structure Technical Policies (STPs) are the authoritative requirements in DES has developed to ensure the structures designed or modified meet our expectations for safety, economy, maintainability, and functional life. The terms “must” and “shall” are used for mandatory requirements. 

STPs are organized to closely align with the organization of the AASHTO LFRD BDS.  They are set to design standards and methods of analysis in addition to those specified in the design specification by establishing exceptions and additions to the design specifications, limitations of design specifications, required method or process for using the design specifications, design or analysis criteria for an area not addressed in design specifications.

STPs also mandate the use of a certain bridge or earth retaining system components or features, however, they were developed to be mindful to not stifle innovation.

 STPs are approved by the Deputy Division Chief of Bridge Design (BD) or Structures and Engineering Services (SES). Adoption of STPs is mandatory for all projects for which Type Selection has not taken place. Any deviation from technical policies must be approved by the Deputy Division Chief of BD or SES.

Engineers are responsible for checking this webpage for new or updated STPs prior to Type Selection.  

To request content or files, that are not currently available at this time, please email:



Structure Technical Policy (STP) Numbers and Titles  Policy Date Supersedes1 

Section 1. Introduction


1.1 Scope, Approval, Implementation (PDF)

May 2020

MTD 1-0

1.2 Terms and Abbreviations (PDF)

September 2024

1.3 Complex Bridges (PDF) Oct 2022   

1.4 Type Selection (PDF)



Section 2. General Design, Drainage, and Hydraulics


2.1 General Notes (PDF)

July 2020

MTD 1-47 & MTD 20-5

Section 3. Load and Load Factors

3.1 Design for Material Hauling Equipment Lane on Bridges (PDF)  Oct 2022 MTD 15-15

3.2 Construction Equipment Overload Reviews (PDF)

June 2020

MTD 15-16
 Section 4. Structural Analysis and Evaluation    

4.1 Live Load Distribution by Refined Methods of Analysis (PDF)

 July 2021 MTD 15-20

4.2 Concrete Girder Bridges with Skewed Supports (PDF)

July 2021 MTD 15-19
4.3 Sound Wall Dead Load Distribution (PDF) July 2021 MTD 22-2

Section 5. Concrete Structures


5.1 Corrosion Protection for Structural Concrete Elements (PDF)

July 2020

MTD 10-5, 10-6, 8-2

5.2 Cast-In-Place Post-tensioned Concrete Box Girders (PDF)

July 2020

MTD 11-18, 11-28, 11-34

5.4 Deck Closure Pour and Associated Requirements (PDF)

July 2020


5.50 Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete (PDF)

July 2020

BDA 5-81

Section 6. Steel Structures


6.1 Identification of Steel Bridge Members (PDF)

November 2019

MTD 12-2

6.2 Steel Pedestrian Bridges (PDF)

November 2019

MTD 12-8

6.3 Catwalks on Steel Bridges (PDF)

June 2020

MTD 12-7

Section 9. Decks and Deck Systems


9.1 Stay-in-Place Precast Prestressed Concrete Deck Panels for Precast Concrete Girder Superstructures (PDF)

March 2024

MTD 8-6

9.4 Deck, Overhang and Soffit Design (PDF)

August 2020

MTD 10-20
Section 10. Foundations     
10.6 Shallow Foundations (PDF) May 2022 MTD 4-1
10.9 Micropiles (PDF)  July 2021  
10.10 Vertical Ground Anchors (PDF) November 2024  

Section 11. Walls, Abutments and Piers


11.23 Soil Nail Walls (PDF)

February 2020


11.29 Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Systems (PDF)

August 2020

 Section 14. Joints and Bearings    

14.1 Bridge Bearings (PDF)         

 February 2022 MTD 7-1

Section 16. Existing Structures (Including of Rating, Strengthening)

16.1 Bridge Widenings and Modifications (PDF) September 2024  MTD 9-3MTD 20-12
16.2 Modifications to Existing Structures that Increase Dead Load (PDF) September 2024  MTD 9-2 & MTD 15-18
16.6 Design Criteria for Strengthening Steel Girders for Live Loads (PDF) July 2021   

16.8 Analysis of Deck Overhangs on Existing Bridges for Solid Concrete Parapet Rail Collision Forces (PDF)


16.10 Overlays on Existing Bridge Decks (PDF) September 2024 MTD 8-5 

Section 17. Temporary Conditions and Structures


17.1 Design Criteria for Temporary Prefabricated Modular Steel Panel Truss Bridge (PDF)

August 2020

MTD 12-9
 Section 20. Seismic Design    
 20.22 Analysis of New Bridges in Fault Rupture Zones (PDF)  December 2021 MTD 20-8
 20.32 Seismic Design Criteria for Tunnels (PDF)     January 2024  
1 STP supersedes the technical policies contained in MTD; the guidance material in MTD may still be relevant.