Implementation Memo (PDF)
Jan-15 |
1-0 Development, Approval, Maintenance, & Termination of Memo to Designers (PDF) |
Jan-15 |
1-8 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Jan-15 |
1-8 Planning Studies (PDF) |
Jan-15 |
1-10 Considering Bridge Security During Design (Metric) (PDF) |
Aug-04 |
1-29 Structure Type Selection (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.2.9 |
1-29 Attachment 1 Request for Type Selection Meeting (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.2.9 |
1-29 Attachment 2 Type Selection Issues, Topics, and Items for Consideration (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.2.9 |
1-29 Attachment 3 Sample Structure Type Selection Memo and Report (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.2.9 |
1-29 Attachment 4 Sample Type Selection Meeting Sign-In Sheet (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.2.9 |
1-29 Attachment 5 Sample Type Selection Meeting Minutes (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.2.9 |
1-31 Constructability Reviews For Structures Projects (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 1.3 |
1-31 Attachment 1 Constructability Reviews For Structures Projects (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 1.3 |
1-47 General Notes (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 2.1 |
1-47 Attachment 1 Load Factor Design or Load and Resistance Factor Design (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 2.1 |
1-47 Attachment 2 Preface to California Amendments, 4th Ed. Amended Articles (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 2.1 |
Section 2 Plan Preparation |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
2-2 Deck Contour (Metric) |
Inactive |
BDD 4.1 & BDD 4.2 |
2-2 Attachment 1 From DS-D134 (Rev 12/88)(Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDD 4.1 & BDD 4.2 |
2-11 Bridge Numbering System (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.3.2, OSFP guide |
2-12 Special Design Earth Retaining Systems Numbering (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.3.2, OSFP guide |
2-12 Attachment A Request for Earth Retaining Structures Bridge Number (ERSBrNo Form) (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDPPM 3.3.2, OSFP guide |
Section 3 Piles |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
3-0 Pile Foundation Design (PDF) |
Mar-89 |
3-1 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
3-1 Deep Foundations (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
3-1 Attachment 1 Design Procedure and Examples (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
3-1 Attachment 2 CIDH Inspection Tubes (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
3-1 Attachment 3 Equivalent Standard Metric Sizes (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
3-4 Piles Adjacent to Existing Roadway or Private Property (PDF) |
Oct-88 |
3-7 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Apr-12 |
3-7 Design Data Documentation and Evaluation of Anomalous Concrete Shafts (PDF) |
Apr-12 |
3-7 Attachment 1 Shaft Design Information Forms (PDF) |
Apr-12 |
3-7 Attachment 2 Example of Evaluation Process (PDF) |
Apr-12 |
3-7 Attachment 3 Pile Design Data Form (GGL) (PDF) |
Apr-12 |
3-7 Attachment 4 Pile Design Data Form (CSL) (PDF) |
Apr-12 |
3-8 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Oct-16 |
3-8 Tip Post-Grouting of Drilled Shafts (PDF) |
Oct-16 |
Section 4 Footings |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
4-1 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-1 Spread Footings (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-1 Attachment 1 Preliminary Foundation Design Data Sheet (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-1 Attachment 2 Foundation Geotechnical Data Table (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-1 Attachment 3 Bridge Foundation loads (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-1 Attachment 4 Foundation Design Data Sheet (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-1 Attachment 5 Spread Footing Data Tables (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
4-2 Superimpose Footing Locations on Log of Test Borings Sheet (PDF) |
Oct-88 |
Section 5 Abutments and Retaining Walls |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
5-1 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Mar-17 |
5-1 Abutments (PDF) |
Mar-17 |
5-1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 (PDF) |
Mar-17 |
5-2 Diaphragm Abutments (PDF) |
Oct-92 |
5-2 Diaphragm Abutments (Metric) (PDF) |
May-96 |
5-3 Structure Approach (PDF) |
Dec-92 |
5-3 Structure Approach (Metric) (PDF) |
May-96 |
5-3 Attachment A Selection Process for Structure Approach Pavement System on PCC Pavement (Metric) (PDF) |
May-96 |
5-3 Attachment B Selection Process for Structure Approach Pavement System on AC Pavement (Metric) (PDF) |
May-96 |
5-5 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
5-5 Design Criteria of Standard Earth Retaining Systems (PDF) |
Apr-14 |
5-7 Earth Retaining System Safety Railing (Metric) (PDF) |
Jan-05 |
5-10 Slope Treatment Under Structures (PDF) |
Apr-89 |
5-12 Earth Retaining Systems Using Ground Anchors (PDF) |
Jun-12 |
5-14 Review of Shop Drawings for Ground Anchors (PDF) |
Jun-12 |
5-16 Review of Working Drawings for Proprietary Earth Retaining Systems (PDF) |
Apr-92 |
5-18 Soil Nail Walls (PDF) |
Jan-91 |
5-18 Attachment A Soil Nail Working Drawings Review Process (Interim) (PDF) |
Oct-04 |
5-19 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Jul-15 |
5-19 Earth Retaining Systems Communication (PDF) |
Jul-15 |
5-19 Attachment A Earth Retaining Systems Communication (PDF) |
Jul-15 |
5-20 Foundation Report/Geotechnical Design Report Checklist for Earth Retaining Systems (Metric) (PDF) |
Aug-04 |
Section 6 Bents and Piers |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
6-1 Column Analysis Considerations (PDF) |
Feb-09 |
6-5 Reinforced Concrete Pier Walls (Metric) (PDF) |
Feb-99 |
6-5 Attachment 1 Percentage and Spacing Requirements for Pier Wall Reinforcement (Metric) (PDF) |
Feb-99 |
6-5 Attachment 2 Pier Wall Example Reinforcement for Lightly Loaded Walls (Metric) (PDF) |
Feb-99 |
Section 7 Bearing & Expansion Devices |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
7-1 Bridge Bearings (PDF) |
Jun-94 |
7-1 Attachment 1 Prestress Shortening (PDF) |
Jun-94 |
7-1 Attachment 2 Structure for Examples 2 and 3 (PDF) |
Jun-94 |
7-1 Attachment 3 Structure for Examples 4 and 5 (PDF) |
Jun-94 |
7-1 Attachment 4 PTFE/Spherical Expansion Bearing Details (PDF) |
Jun-94 |
7-10 Bridge Deck Joints and Deck Joint Seals (PDF) |
Jun-94 |
7-10 Attachment 1 Calculation of Points of No Movement (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 2 Joint Movements Calculations (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 3 Maximum Contributory Structure Length (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 4 Prestress Shortening (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
Approximate Properties for Preformed Elastomeric Joint Seals
Type B Manufacturer's Nominal Properties for Design Data Only (PDF)
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 6 Typical Alternate Joint Seal Assembly (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 7 Size Blockout Dimensions (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 8 Typical Modular Joint Seal Assembly (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
7-10 Attachment 9 Bridge Deck Joint Rehabilitation Projects (PDF) |
Sep-94 |
Section 8 Deck Slabs |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
8-2 Protection Against Deicing Chemicals and Freeze-Thaw Environment (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 5.1 |
8-2 Attachment 1 Table 1 (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 5.1 |
8-2 Attachment 2 California State Highways Environmental Areas (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 5.1 |
8-2 Attachment 3 Table 2 Freeze-Thaw Areas (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 5.1 |
8-5 Overlays on Existing Bridge Decks (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 16.10 |
8-6 Stay-in-Place Precast Prestressed Concrete Deck Panels For Precast Concrete Girder Superstructures (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 9.1 |
8-7 Stay-In-Place Metal Forms for Precast Concrete and Steel Superstructures (PDF) |
Inactive |
CA Amendment 3.5.1 and |
8-8 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Mar-13 |
8-8 Deck Finishing and Quiet Decks (PDF) |
Mar-13 |
Section 9 Existing Bridges |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
9-1 Dependent Dimension (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDD1.1 |
9-2 Maintenance Rating (PDF) |
Inactive |
Bridge Load Rating Manual (BLRM), STP 16.2 |
9-2 Maintenance Rating (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
Bridge Load Rating Manual (BLRM), STP 16.2 |
9-2 Attachment 1 Standard Permit Rating and Design Vehicles with Purple Loads (PDF) |
Inactive |
Bridge Load Rating Manual (BLRM), STP 16.2 |
9-2 Attachment 1 Standard Permit Rating and Design Vehicles with Purple Loads (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
Bridge Load Rating Manual (BLRM), STP 16.2 |
9-3 Widening Existing Bridges (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 16.1 |
9-4 Live Loads and Stresses Historical Background (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 16.4 & BLRM |
9-6 Permit Upgrading (PDF) |
Inactive |
9-7 Strengthening Steel Girder Bridges for Live Loads (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 16.6 |
9-7 Attachment A Strengthening Steel Girder Bridges for Live Loads (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 16.6 |
9-8 Widening Closed End Cellular Abutments (Metric) (PDF) |
Feb-02 |
Section 10 Reinforced Concrete Box Girders |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
10-1 Reinforced Concrete Strength Requirements (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
Standard Spec. |
10-5 Protection of Reinforcement Against Corrosion Due to Chlorides, Acids Sulfates (PDF) |
Jun-10 |
10-6 Use of Prefabricated Epoxy Coated Reinforcement in Marine Environment (PDF) |
Jun-10 |
10-20 Deck and Soffit Slab (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 9.4 & BDM 9.4 |
10-20 Attachment 1 Deck Slab Reinforcement Details (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 9.4 |
10-20 Attachment 2 Deck Slab Thickness and Reinforcement Schedule (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 9.4 |
10-20 Attachment 3 Soffit Slab Reinforcement Details (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 9.4 |
Section 11 Precast and/or Prestressed |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
11-1 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Apr-13 |
11-1 Prestressed Concrete - Shop Drawing Review (PDF) |
Apr-13 |
11-1 Attachment 1 Checking Prestress Shop Drawings Attachment 1 (PDF) |
Dec-16 |
11-1 Attachment 2 Attachment 2 (PDF) |
Apr-13 |
11-3 Designer's Check List for Prestressed Concrete (PDF) |
Nov-10 |
11-8 Design Guidelines of Precast Prestressed Girders (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 5.3 |
11-18 Stressing Incomplete Bridges (PDF) |
Dec-88 |
11-25 Anchorage Zone Design (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 5.26 |
11-28 Prestress Clearances for Cast-In-Place Prestressed Box Girder Structures (PDF) |
Oct-10 |
11-28 Attachment 1 Prestress Clearances for Cast-In-Place Prestressed Box Girder Structures (PDF) |
Jan-13 |
11-28 Attachment 2 Prestress Clearances for Cast-In-Place Prestressed Box Girder Structures (PDF) |
Jun-15 |
11-31 Curved Post-Tensioned Bridges (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 5.27 |
11-34 Hinge Curl (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 5.23 |
Section 12 Structural Steel |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
12-1 Review of Shop Drawings - Steel Structures (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 6.12 |
12-2 Guidelines for Identification of Steel Bridge Members (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 6.1 & BDM 6.1 |
12-3 Camber of Steel-Concrete Composite Girders (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDM 6.11 |
12-4 Criteria for Control Dimension "Y" on Steel Girders(Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDD 11.4 |
12-5 Complete Joint Penetration and Partial Joint Penetration Groove Welds (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
BDD 11.3 |
12-6 Field Welding Near Elastomeric Bearing Pads (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
12-7 Catwalks on Steel Bridges (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 6.3 |
12-8 Steel Pedestrian Bridges (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 6.2 |
12-9 Design Criteria For Temporary Prefabricated Modular Steel Panel Truss Bridges (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 17.1 |
12-11 Galvanizing Tanks (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
Section 13 Pedestrian Structures |
Section 14 Railings and Barriers |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
14-19 Temporary Railing (PDF) |
Apr-90 |
Section 15 Structural Analysis |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
15-14 Loads for Temporary Highway Structures (PDF) |
Dec-10 |
15-14 Attachment 1 Loads for Temporary Highway Structures (PDF) |
Dec-10 |
15-15 Materials Hauling Equipment Loading (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 3.1 |
15-17 Future Wearing Surface (PDF) |
Inactive |
CA Amendment 3.5.1 |
15-18 Additional Dead Load on Bridge Decks (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 16.2 |
15-19 Bridges With Skewed Supports (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 4.2 |
15-20 Live Load Distribution By Three Dimensional Analysis (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 4.1 |
Section 16 Structures Hydraulics |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
16-1 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Feb-18 |
16-1 Hydraulic Design for Structures Over Waterways (PDF) |
Dec-17 |
16-1 Attachment 1 Roles and Responsibilities (PDF) |
Dec-17 |
16-1 Attachment 2 Hydraulic Reports (PDF) |
Dec-17 |
16-1 Attachment 3 Glossary of Terminology for Hydraulics & Scour (PDF) |
Dec-17 |
Section 18 Drainage and Utilities |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
18-1 Bridge Deck Drainage (PDF) |
Sep-09 |
18-2 Utilities and Openings for Future Utilities In Bridge (PDF) |
Feb-90 |
18-2 Utilities and Openings for Future Utilities In Bridge (Metric) (PDF) |
Jul-96 |
18-2 Attachment Encroachments on Bridges (PDF) |
Feb-90 |
18-2 Attachment Encroachments on Bridges (Metric) (PDF) |
Jul-96 |
18-3 Supply Lines, Communication Conduit and Sprinkler Control Conduit on Bridges (PDF) |
Dec-90 |
Section 20 Seismic |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
20-1 Seismic Design Methodology (PDF) |
Jul-10 |
20-1 Attachment 1 Seismic References (PDF) |
Jul-10 |
20-2 Site Seismicity for Temporary Bridge and Stage Construction (PDF) |
May-11 |
20-3 Restrainers at Support Joints (PDF) |
Jul-08 |
20-4 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Jun-16 |
20-4 Seismic Retrofit Guidelines for Bridges in California (PDF) |
Jun-16 |
20-4 Attachment 1 Seismic Retrofit Assessment Form (PDF) |
Sept-16 |
20-5 Identifying Seismic Design Criteria In The General Notes (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 2.1 |
20-6 Seismic Strength of Concrete Bridge Superstructures (PDF) |
Inactive |
SDC and BDP 20.1 |
20-6 Attachment 1 Demand Procedure (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
SDC and BDP 20.1 |
20-6 Attachment 2 Capacity Procedure (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
SDC and BDP 20.1 |
20-7 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Oct-14 |
20-7 Seismic Design of Slab Bridges (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-7 Attachment A Slab Bridge Example Details (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-7 Attachment B Pile/Shaft Extension Details (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-8 Analysis of Ordinary Bridges that Cross Faults (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 20.22 |
20-9 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-9 Splices in Bar Reinforcing Steel for Bridges (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-9 Attachment A Pile/Shaft Example Details (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-9 Attachment B Spiral Splice Details (PDF) |
Apr-16 |
20-10 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Mar-13 |
20-10 Fault Rupture (PDF) |
Jan-13 |
20-11 Establishing Bridge Seismic Design Criteria (Metric) (PDF) |
Jan-99 |
20-12 Seismic Design Criteria for Bridge Widenings (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 16.1 |
20-13 Tsunami Hazard Guidelines (PDF) |
Jan-10 |
20-14 Quantifying the Impacts of Soil Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading on Project Delivery Attachment 1 (PDF) |
Jul-08 |
20-14 Attachment 1 Foundation Design Flowchart based on Available Soil Data (PDF) |
Jul-08 |
20-15 Lateral Spreading Analysis For New And Existing Bridges (PDF) |
May-17 |
20-15 Attachment 1 Lateral Spreading Analysis For New And Existing Bridges (PDF) |
May-17 |
20-16 Seismic Safety Peer Review (PDF) |
Jun-09 |
20-17 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
20-17 Understanding Directionality Concepts in Seismic Analysis (PDF) |
Jun-14 |
20-21 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Dec-16 |
20-21 Seismic Requirements for Headed Bar Reinforcement (PDF) |
Dec-16 |
20-22 Seismic Design of Ordinary Bridges with Isolation Bearings (PDF)
Inactive |
BDM 20.33 |
Section 22 Sound Walls |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
22-1 Sound Wall Design Criteria (Metric) (PDF) |
Aug-04 |
22-2 Soundwall Load Distribution (Metric) (PDF) |
Inactive |
STP 4.3 |
22-5 Sound Wall Plans Format for Projects by Office of Structure Design (PDF) |
Nov-88 |
22-50 Sound Wall - Concrete Masonry Blocks (PDF) |
Dec-88 |
22-55 Sound Wall - Design Weight - Concrete Masonry Block (PDF) |
Nov-88 |
Section 23 Underground Structures |
Title: |
Date of Memo: |
23-1 Implementation Memo (PDF) |
Jun-17 |
23-1 Buried Reinforced Concrete Box Structures (PDF) |
Jun-18 |