Bridge Construction Records and Procedures Manual Volume II

BCRP Manual Volume II (PDF) (9/30/2024)

Cover Page (PDF) (9/30/2024) and Preface (PDF) (11/30/2023)

Table of Contents (PDF) (2/28/2025)

Section TOC, BCM or Attachment Title Issue Date
Note:  There are two groups of BCM's. The first group consists of newer Sections 1-0.00 through 99-0.00.  The second group consists of the original BCM's, Section 4-0.0 through 180-0.0 (these will eventually be replaced with the newer sections).  none
Section 1-0.00 TOC General (PDF) 4/25/2023
Section 7-0.00 TOC

Legal Relationships and Responsibility to the Public (PDF) 


BCM 7-1.02K(6)(b) Legal Relationships and Responsibility to the Public - Excavation Safety (PDF) 3/30/2023 

 Attachment 01

Sample Authorization Letter (PDF)  3/30/2023 

Attachment 02

List of Relevant Construction Safety Order Sections (PDF) 3/30/2023 

Attachment 03

Shoring Systems Adjacent to Railroads (PDF)  3/30/2023 
 BCM 7-1.02K(6)(e) Legal Relationships and Responsibility to the Public - Laws - Labor Code - Occupational Safety and Health Standards - Scaffolding (PDF)  2/28/2022
Section 11-0.00 TOC Welding TOC (PDF) 10/28/2022 
BCM 11 Welding (PDF) 10/28/2022 

Attachment 01

 Welding Terms (PDF) 10/28/2022
Section 16-0.00 TOC Temporary Facilities (PDF) 2/15/2024
BCM 16-2.02 Temporary Facilities - Miscellaneous Temporary Facilities - Temporary Pedestrian Facilities (PDF) 2/15/2024
Section 19-0.00 TOC Earthwork (PDF) 6/30/2022
BCM 19-1.03B Earthwork - General - Construction - Unsuitable Material (PDF) 12/5/2017
BCM 19-1.03D Earthwork - General - Construction - Buried Man-Made Objects (PDF) 12/5/2017
BCM 19-3.01A Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Summary (PDF) 6/30/2022

Attachment 01

Sample Letters to the Contractor Regarding Spread Footings and Seal Courses (PDF)  6/30/2022
BCM 19-3.01C Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Submittals (PDF) 12/5/2017

Attachment 01

Sample Authorization Letter (PDF) 12/5/2017

Attachment 02

Temporary Ground Anchor Encroachments Memo (PDF) 12/5/2017
BCM 19-3.01D(2) Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Quality Assurance - Stability Test for Ground Anchor and Soil Nail Walls (PDF) 12/31/2020 

Attachment 01

Excavated Exposed Face Instability (PDF)  12/31/2020 
BCM 19-3.03B(1-4) Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill -Construction - Structure Excavation (PDF) 12/31/2020 
BCM 19-3.03B(5) Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Construction - Structure Excavation - Water Control and Foundation Treatment (PDF) 6/30/2022
 BCM 19-3.03B(6) Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Construction - Structure Excavation - Ground Anchor Soil Nail Walls (PDF) forthcoming 
BCM 19-3.03E Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Construction - Structure Backfill (PDF) 11/12/2021 
BCM 19-3.03K Earthwork - Structure Excavation and Backfill - Construction - Ground Anchor and Soil Nail Walls (PDF) 4/29/2022
BCM 19-4 Earthwork - Rock Excavation (PDF)  1/21/2022
BCM 19-6.03D Earthwork - Embankment Construction - Settlement Periods and Surcharges (PDF)  8/31/2020
Section 20-0.00 TOC Landscape (PDF)  4/30/2021
BCM 20-2.13 Landscape - Supply Line on Structures (PDF) 4/30/2021 

Attachment 01

 Potential Issues to Look for When Reviewing As-Built Drawings and Field Conditions (PDF) 4/30/2021 
Section 39-0.00 TOC Asphalt Concrete (PDF) 3/2/2023 
BCM 39-2.06  Asphalt Concrete - Hot Mix Asphalt -  Hot Mix Asphalt on Bridge Decks (PDF) 3/2/2023 
Section 46-0.0 TOC Ground Anchors and Soil Nails (PDF) 11/16/2018
BCM 46-1 Ground Anchors and Soil Nails - General (PDF) 11/16/2018
BCM 46-2 Ground Anchors (PDF) 11/16/2018
BCM 46-3 Soil Nails (PDF) 11/16/2018
Section 47-0.0 TOC Earth Retaining Systems (PDF) 12/20/2018
BCM 47-2 Earth Retaining Systems - Mechanically Stabilized Embankment (PDF) 12/20/2018

Attachment 01

Mechanically Stabilized Embankment - Construction Checklist (PDF) 12/20/2018
BCM 47-6 Earth Retaining Systems - Alternative Earth Retaining Systems (PDF) 12/20/2018
Section 48-0.00 TOC Temporary Structures (PDF) 2/15/2024
BCM 48-2 Temporary Structures - Falsework (PDF) 2/15/2024 
BCM 48-3 Temporary Structures - Temporary Supports (PDF) 6/4/2021 
BCM 48-4 Temporary Structures -  Temporary Decking (PDF) 6/4/2021 

 Attachment 01

Sample Temporary Decking Plan (PDF) 6/5/2021 
BCM 48-5 Temporary Structures - Jacking Superstructure (PDF) 4/29/2022 

 Attachment 01

Jacking System for Jacking a Bridge Superstructure (PDF) 4/29/2022 
Section 49-0.00 TOC Piling (PDF) 2/28/2025
BCM 49-1 Piling - General (PDF)  1/21/2022 
BCM 49-2 Driven Piling (PDF)  2/28/2025 

 Attachment 01

Driven Piling - Steel H-Pile Lugs (PDF)  2/28/2025 

 Attachment 02

Driven Piling - Acceptance Criteria (PDF)  2/28/2025 

 Attachment 03

Driven Piling - Measurement and Payment (PDF)  2/28/2025 
BCM 49-3 Piling-Cast-In-Place Concrete Piling  (PDF) 12/22/2022 

 Attachment 01

 CIDH Concrete Piling - Preconstruction Meeting Instructions (PDF) 12/22/2022 

Attachment 02

 CIDH Concrete Piling - Contract Administration and Department Acceptance (PDF) 12/22/2022 

 Attachment 03

 CIDH Pile Mitigation Committee (PDF) 12/22/2022 

 Attachment 04

 CIDH Pile Non-Standard Mitigation Meeting (PDF) 12/22/2022

 Attachment 05

 CIDH Concrete Pile Construction Report (PCR) (PDF) 12/22/2022

 Attachment 06

 CIDH Concrete Piling - Materials (PDF) 12/22/2022 

 Attachment 07

 Cast-In-Steel-Shell Concrete Piling - Measurement and Payment (PDF) 12/22/2022 
BCM 49-4  Piling - Steel Soldier Piling (PDF) 12/22/2022 
BCM 49-5 Micropiling (PDF)  4/29/22 
Section 50-0.00 TOC Prestressing Concrete (PDF) 9/30/2022
BCM 50  Prestressing Concrete BCM (PDF) 9/30/2022 

 Attachment 01

Precautions During Prestressing Concrete Operations (PDF) 9/30/2022
Section 51-0.00 TOC Concrete Structures TOC (PDF) 3/30/2023
BCM 51-1.01 Concrete Structures - General (PDF) 1/5/2023 

 Attachment 01

Letter to Contractor Following Surface Smoothness Testing (PDF) 1/5/2023

 Attachment 02

Friction Testing of Bridge Decks (PDF)  1/5/2023 
BCM 51-1.03C Removed 1/5/2023, Concrete Structures - General - Construction - Preparation, replaced with BCM 51-1.03C-D (PDF) removed

 Attachment 01

Removed 1/5/2023, Form Panels, replaced with BCM 51-1.03C-D (PDF) removed
BCM 51-1.03C-D Concrete Structures - General - Construction - Preparation and Placing Concrete (PDF) 1/5/2023 

 Attachment 01

 Forms Panels - Industry Practice and Workmanship (PDF) 1/5/2023 

 Attachment 02

 Stem to Deck Construction Joints (PDF) 1/5/2023 
BCM 51-1.03E Concrete Structures - General - Miscellaneous Construction (PDF) 5/31/2022 

 Attachment 01

Miscellaneous Construction for Concrete Structures (PDF)  5/31/2022 
BCM 51-1.03F(1-4) Concrete Structures - General - Finishing Concrete (PDF) 1/18/2019
BCM 51-1.03F(5-6) Concrete Structures - General - Finishing Roadway and Pedestrian Overcrossing Surfaces (PDF) 12/8/2022 

 Attachment 01

 Quieter Bridge Deck Construction (PDF) 12/8/2022 
BCM 51-1.03G Concrete Structures - General - Concrete Surface Textures (PDF)  10/15/2021
BCM 51-1.03H Concrete Structures - General - Construction - Curing Concrete Structures (PDF) 9/30/2022 

 Attachment 01

Bridge Deck Crack Prevention (PDF)  9/30/2022 
BCM 51-2  Concrete Structures - Joints (PDF) 3/30/2023

 Attachment 01

Guidance for Verifying Contract Compliance for Sealed Joints (PDF) 3/30/2023 
BCM 51-3.02  Concrete Structures - Bearings - Elastomeric Bearing Pads (PDF)  4/25/2023

 Attachment 01

Compressive Deflections of Fiberglass or Steel-Reinforced Elastomeric Bearing Pads (PDF)  4/25/2023 
BCM 51-3.03  Concrete Structures - Bearings - PTFE Spherical Bearings (PDF)  4/25/2023

Attachment 01 

PTFE Spherical Bearings Inspection Guidelines (PDF) 4/25/2023
BCM 51-4 Concrete Structures - Precast Concrete Members (PDF)  2/28/2022 
BCM 51-5 Concrete Structures - Approach Slabs (PDF)  2/28/2022 
BCM 51-6  Concrete Structures - Mass Concrete (PDF) 1/21/2022

 Attachment 01

When The Mass Concrete Specification Applies (PDF) 1/21/2022 
Section 52-0.00 TOC Reinforcement (PDF) 2/9/2023
BCM 52-1 Reinforcement - General (PDF) 3/30/2022

 Attachment 01

Reinforcing Steel Hook Detail for BCM 52-1 (PDF)  3/30/2022 

Attachment 02

Identification of Reinforcing Steel Bars for BCM 52-1 (PDF)  3/30/2022 

 Attachment 03

Reinforcing Steel Bar Chart for BCM 52-1 (PDF) 3/30/2022 

 Attachment 04

Welded Wire Reinforcement for BCM 52-1 (PDF) 3/30/2022 

 Attachment 05

Spacing Requirements for Bundled Bars for BCM 52-1 (PDF)  3/30/2022
BCM 52-2 Reinforcement - Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement and Epoxy-Coated Prefabricated Reinforcement (PDF) 12/22/2022 
BCM 52-6 Reinforcement - Splicing (PDF) 1/21/2022 

 Attachment 01

Reinforcement Splices (PDF) 1/21/2022 
BCM 52-7 Reinforcement - Stray Current Protection (PDF)  2/9/2023 
Section 53-0.00 TOC Shotcrete (PDF) 12/8/2022
BCM 53-1 Shotcrete - General (PDF) 4/22/2019
BCM 53-2 Structural Shotcrete (PDF) 4/22/2019
BCM 53-3 Sculpted Shotcrete (PDF) 12/8/2022
Section 54-0.00 TOC Waterproofing TOC (PDF) 4/25/2023
BCM 54 Waterproofing (PDF)  4/25/2023

Attachment 01

Waterproofing - Technical Information (PDF) 4/25/2023
Section 55-0.00 TOC Steel Structures (PDF) 4/25/2023 
BCM 55-1.01C Steel Structures - General - Submittals (PDF) 3/2/2023 

 Attachment 01

Overview of the Review Process for Steel Structure Submittals (PDF) 3/2/2023 
BCM 55-1.03 Steel Structures - General - Construction (PDF) 4/25/2023

Attachment 01

Discussion of Basic Construction Terms and Topics for High-Strength Bolted Connections (PDF)  4/25/2023

Attachment 02

Inspection Procedure for Checking Tension in High-Strength Bolts (PDF) 4/25/2023 

 Attachment 03

Approved Methods of Tensioning High-Strength Bolted Connections (PDF)  4/25/2023
Section 56-0.0 TOC

Overhead Sign Structures, Standards, and Poles (PDF)

BCM 56-2.01C Overhead Sign Structures - Submittals (PDF) 12/20/2018

Attachment 01

Additional Information for Shop Drawing Reviews (PDF) 12/20/2018
BCM 56-2.03 Overhead Sign Structures - Construction (PDF) 4/30/2021

 Attachment 01

Sign Structure Installation Guide (PDF) 4/30/2021

 Attachment 02

Sign Structure Fastener Installation Guide (PDF) 4/30/2021
Section 57-0.00 TOC  Wood and Plastic Lumber Structures (PDF) 2/9/2023
 BCM 57-2 Wood and Plastic Lumber Structures - Wood Structures (PDF) 2/9/2023 
BCM  57-3   Wood and Plastic Lumber Structures - Plastic Lumber Structures (PDF) 5/31/2022 
Section 58-0.00 TOC Sound Walls TOC (PDF) 3/2/2023 
BCM 58  Sound Walls (PDF) 3/2/2023 

 Attachment 01

Sound Walls - Additional Information (PDF)  3/2/2023
Section 59-0.00 TOC Structural Steel Coatings (PDF) 3/30/2023
BCM 59-1 Structural Steel Coatings - General (PDF) 10/28/2022 
BCM 59-2 Structural Steel Coatings - Painting Structural Steel (PDF) 12/8/2022 

 Attachment 01

Cleaning and Painting of Structural Steel (PDF) 12/8/2022 
BCM 59-3 Structural Steel Coatings - Painting Galvanized Surfaces (PDF) 12/8/2022 
BCM 59-4  Structural Steel Coatings - Painting Sign Structures.  Not published; refer to BCM 59-1BCM 59-2 and BCM 59-3 for related content note
BCM 59-5 Structural Steel Coatings - Thermal Spray Coat Structure Steel (PDF)  3/30/2023 
Section 60-0.00 TOC Existing Structures (PDF) 9/30/2024
BCM 60-2.02A(3-4) Existing Structures - Structure Removal - Submittals and Quality Assurance (PDF) 12/31/2021 

 Attachment 01

Bridge Removal Work Plan Review (PDF)  12/31/2021 

 Attachment 02

Bridge Removal Over and/or Adjacent to Railroad Tracks (PDF)  12/31/2021
BCM 60-2.02C Existing Structures - Structure Removal - Construction (PDF) 8/31/2020
BCM 60-3.02 Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Bridge Deck Repair & Preparation (PDF) 9/30/2024
BCM 60-3.03B Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Methacrylate Resin Bridge Deck Treatment (PDF) 7/15/2021 

 Attachment 01

Methacrylate Deck Treatment Inspection Guidelines (PDF) 7/15/2021 
BCM 60-3.04B-C Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Deck Overlays - Polyester Concrete Overlays & Expansion Dams (PDF) 4/29/2022 

 Attachment 01

Polyester Concrete Overlay and Expansion Dams (PDF)  4/29/2022
BCM 60-3.04D Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Deck Overlays - Concrete Overlays (PDF) 1/5/2023
BCM 60-3.05B Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Repair Spalled Surface Area (PDF) 7/15/2021 

BCM 60-3.05C

Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Repairing Structures - Epoxy Crack Injection (PDF) 6/30/2022 

 Attachment 01

Epoxy Crack Injection Inspection Guidance (PDF)  6/30/2022 
BCM 60-3.05D Existing Structures - Structure Rehabilitation - Heat-Straighten Steel Girders (PDF) 11/23/2022 
BCM 60-4.04 Existing Structures - Modifying Structures - Coring Concrete (PDF) 12/22/2022 
BCM 60-4.06 Existing Structures - Modifying Structures - Steel Column Casings (PDF) 5/31/2022 

 Attachment 01

Steel Column Casing Guidance (PDF) 5/31/2022 
BCM 60-4.09 Existing Structures - Modifying Structures - Bridge Joint Restrainers (PDF) 10/28/2022 
Section 70-0.00 TOC Miscellaneous Drainage Facilities (PDF) 2/9/2023 
BCM 70-7 Miscellaneous Drainage Facilities - Casings for Bridges (PDF) 2/9/2023 
Section 72-0.00 TOC Slope Protection (PDF) 10/15/2021
BCM 72-11 Slope Protection - Slope Paving (PDF) 10/15/2021
Section 74-0.00 TOC  Pumping Equipment (PDF) 4/25/2023
BCM 74 Pumping Equipment and Controls (PDF)  4/25/2023
Section 75-0.00 TOC Miscellaneous Metal TOC (PDF) 4/25/2023
BCM 75 Miscellaneous Metal (PDF) 4/25/2023

Attachment 01

Expansion Anchorages (PDF) 4/25/2023
Section 76-0.00 TOC Wells TOC (PDF) 4/25/2023
BCM 76 Wells (PDF) 4/25/2023

 Attachment 01

Organization of ANSI/AWWA A100-20 Water Wells (PDF) 4/25/2023 

 Attachment 02

Primer on Construction Contract Administration of Special Provisions 76 - Wells (PDF) 4/25/2023
Section 78-0.00 TOC Incidental Construction (PDF) 3/30/2023 
BCM 78-4 Incidental Construction - Miscellaneous Coatings (PDF) 3/30/2023 
Section 83-0.00 TOC Railings and Barriers (PDF) 12/22/2022
BCM 83 (2.05-2.08) Railings and Barriers - Metal Railings and Barriers - California Bridge Rails, Chain Link Railings, Cable Railings and Tubular Railings (PDF) 12/22/2022 
BCM 83-3 Railings and Barriers - Concrete Barriers (PDF) 9/30/2021 
BCM 83-11.03 Railings and Barriers - Existing Railings and Barriers - Existing Metal Bridge Railings (PDF) 12/22/2022 
Section 87-0.00 TOC Electrical Systems TOC (PDF)  4/25/2023
BCM 87  Electrical Systems (PDF) 4/25/2023

Attachment 01 

Common Conflicts for Installing Electrical System Components in Concrete Barriers (PDF) 4/25/2023
Section 90-0.00 TOC Concrete (PDF) 12/8/2022
BCM 90-1 Concrete-General (PDF) 12/8/2022 

  Attachment 01

Sample Letter to Authorize Concrete Mix Designs (PDF)  12/8/2022

  Attachment 02

 Fresh Concrete Field Sampling and Testing Equipment List (PDF) 12/8/2022 
BCM 90-3 Concrete - Rapid Strength Concrete (PDF) 9/30/2022 

 Attachment 01

Volumetric Proportioning of Rapid Strength Concrete (PDF) 9/30/2022
BCM 90-5  Self-Consolidating Concrete (PDF) 12/30/2020
BCM 90-6 Concrete - Lightweight Concrete (PDF)  9/30/2022 
Section 91-0.00 TOC Paint (PDF) 4/30/2021
BCM 91-1 Paint-General (PDF) 4/30/2021 
Section 95-0.00 TOC Epoxy (PDF) 3/30/2023 
BCM 95-1 Epoxy-General (PDF)  3/30/2023 

  Attachment 01

Information and Instructions for Epoxy Use (PDF) 3/30/2023
Section 99-0.00 TOC Building Construction (PDF) 3/30/2023 
BCM 99-1 Building Construction - General Requirements (PDF)  3/30/2023 

  Attachment 01

Sample Schedule of Values for a Building Project (PDF) 3/30/2023 
These Original Sections 4-0.0 to 180-0.0 (below), BCMs and Attachments will be replaced by newer Sections 1-0.00 to 99-0.00 (above).  These original BCM's will be eventually be removed and replaced. note
Section TOC, BCM or Attachment Title Date
BCM 122-3.0 Torvane Usage for Sloped Excavations (PDF) 12/5/2017
BCM 135-5.0 Removed 4/25/23, Mechanical Anchorage Devices, replaced with BCM 75 Att.01 (PDF) removed
BCM 145-3.0 Support Systems for Portions of Permanent Bridges which are Temporarily Unstable (PDF) 5/4/1981
BCM 145-4.0 Contractor Designed Temporary Bridges or Other Temporary Facilities (PDF) 12/1/1996
BCM 160-1.0 Broken or Slipped Prestress Strands (PDF) 1/15/2005